Strong's Number: 5475 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: cowd
Phonetic: sode

Text: from 3245; a session, i.e. company of persons (in close deliberation); by implication, intimacy, consultation, a secret:

KJV -- assembly, consel, inward, secret (counsel).

This word was found 20 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Genesis 49:6 | Job 15:8 | Job 19:19 | Job 29:4 | Job 29:21 | Psalms 25:14 | Psalms 64:2 | Psalms 89:7 | Psalms 111:1 | Psalms 119:24 | Proverbs 1:30 | Proverbs 3:32 | Proverbs 25:9 | Isaiah 40:22 | Jeremiah 6:11 | Jeremiah 15:17 | Jeremiah 23:18 | Jeremiah 23:22 | Ezekiel 13:9 | Amos 3:7 |