Strong's Number: 4904 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: mishkab
Phonetic: mish-kawb'

Text: from 7901; a bed (figuratively, a bier); abstractly, sleep; by euphemism, carnal intercourse:

KJV --bed([-chamber]), couch, lieth (lying) with.

msukah. See 4881.

This word was found 41 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Genesis 49:4 | Exodus 8:3 | Exodus 21:18 | Leviticus 15:21 | Leviticus 15:23 | Leviticus 15:26 | Leviticus 18:22 | Leviticus 20:13 | Numbers 31:17 | Numbers 31:18 | Judges 21:11 | Judges 21:12 | 2 Samuel 4:5 | 2 Samuel 4:7 | 2 Samuel 4:11 | 2 Samuel 11:13 | 2 Samuel 13:5 | 2 Samuel 17:28 | 1 Kings 1:47 | 2 Kings 6:12 | 2 Chronicles 16:14 | Job 7:13 | Job 33:15 | Job 33:19 | Psalms 4:4 | Psalms 6:6 | Psalms 36:4 | Psalms 41:3 | Psalms 149:5 | Proverbs 7:16 | Proverbs 22:27 | Ecclesiastes 10:20 | Song of Solomon 3:1 | Isaiah 57:2 | Isaiah 57:7 | Isaiah 57:8 | Ezekiel 23:17 | Ezekiel 32:25 | Hosea 7:14 | Amos 6:4 | Micah 2:1 |