列王记下 2 Kings 6
6:1 [cbb5] 先知门徒对以利沙说、看哪、我们同你所住的地方过於窄小。
    [kjv] And the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha, Behold now, the place where we dwell with thee is too strait for us.
    [strongs] 0559 And said 1121 the sons of 5030 the prophets 0000 to 0477 Elisha, 7200 See, 4994 now, 4725 the place 0834 where 0587 we 3427 are living 8033 there 6440 before you 6862 {is} too narrow 0000 for us.
6:2 [cbb5] 求你容我们往约但河去、各人从那里取一根木料、建造房屋居住。他说、你们去罢。
    [kjv] Let us go, we pray thee, unto Jordan, and take thence every man a beam, and let us make us a place there, where we may dwell. And he answered, Go ye.
    [strongs] 1980 let us go 4994 Please 5704 to 3383 the Jordan {River}, 3947 and we will take 8033 from there, 0376 each man 6982 beam 0259 one, 6213 and we will make 1129 for ourselves 8033 there, 4725 a place 3427 to live 8033 there. 0559 And he said, 1980 Go.
6:3 [cbb5] 有一人说、求你与仆人同去回答说、我可以去。
    [kjv] And one said, Be content, I pray thee, and go with thy servants. And he answered, I will go.
    [strongs] 0559 Then said 0259 one, 2974 be willing 4994 Please, 1980 and go 5658 with your servants. 0559 And he said, 0589 I 1980 will go.
6:4 [cbb5] 於是以利沙与他们同去。到了约但河、就砍伐树木。
    [kjv] So he went with them. And when they came to Jordan, they cut down wood.
    [strongs] 1980 And he went 0000 with them. 0935 And they came 3383 to the Jordan {River}, 3772 and cut down 6086 the trees.
6:5 [cbb5] 有一人砍树的时候、斧头掉在水里、他就呼叫说、哀哉、我主阿、这斧子是借的。
    [kjv] But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed.
    [strongs] 1961 And it was 0259 one 5307 was felling 6982 the beam, 0000 and 1270 the iron 5307 fell 0413 into 4325 the water, 6817 and he cried out 0559 and said, 0162 Alas, 0113 my lord! 1931 But it 7592 was borrowed.
6:6 [cbb5] 神人问说、掉在那里了。他将那地方指给以利沙看。以利沙砍了一根木头、抛在水里、斧头就漂上来了。
    [kjv] And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim.
    [strongs] 0559 And said 0376 the man of 0430 God, 0575 Where 5307 did it fall? 7200 And he showed him 4725 the place. 7094 And he cut off 6086 a stick 7993 and threw {it} 8033 {in} there, 6687 and made float 1270 the iron.
6:7 [cbb5] 以利沙说、拿起来罢。那人就伸手、拿起来了。
    [kjv] Therefore said he, Take it up to thee. And he put out his hand, and took it.
    [strongs] 0559 And he said, 7311 Lift it up 0000 for you. 7971 And he put out 3027 his hand 3947 and took it.
6:8 [cbb5] 亚兰王与以色列人争战、和他的臣仆商议说、我要在某处某处安营。
    [kjv] Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying, In such and such a place shall be my camp.
    [strongs] 4428 And the king of 0758 Aram 1961 was 3898 fighting 3478 against Israel, 3289 and took counsel 0413 with 5650 his servants, 0559 saying, 0413 At 0272 a place 6423 such 6423 and such 8466 {will be} my camp.
6:9 [cbb5] 神人打发人去见以色列王、说、你要谨慎、不要从某处经过因为亚兰人从那里下来了。
    [kjv] And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel, saying, Beware that thou pass not such a place; for thither the Syrians are come down.
    [strongs] 7971 And sent 0376 the man of 0430 God 0413 to 4428 the king of 3478 Israel, 0559 saying, 8104 Be on guard 5674 in passing by 4725 place 2088 this, 3588 for 8033 there 0758 the Arameans 5185 are coming down.
6:10 [cbb5] 以色列王差人去窥探神人所告诉所警戒他去的地方、就防备未受其害、不止一两次。
    [kjv] And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice.
    [strongs] 7971 And sent 4428 the king of 3478 Israel 0413 to 4725 the place 0834 of which 1696 spoke 0000 to him 0376 the man of 0430 God, 2094 and warned him, 8104 and he protected himself 8033 there 3808 not 0259 once 3808 nor 8147 twice.
6:11 [cbb5] 亚兰王因这事心里惊疑、召了臣仆来、对他们说、我们这里有谁帮助以色列王你们不指给我麽。
    [kjv] Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel?
    [strongs] 5590 And was enraged 3820 the heart of 4428 the king of 0758 Aram 5921 over 1697 thing 2088 this, 7121 and he called 0413 to 5650 his servants 0559 and said 0000 to them, 3808 not 5064 Will you tell 0000 me 4310 who 0000 of us {is} 3588 for 4428 the king of 3478 Israel?
6:12 [cbb5] 有一个臣仆说、我主、我王无人帮助他、只有以色列中的先知以利沙、将王在卧房所说的话、告诉以色列王了。
    [kjv] And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber.
    [strongs] 0559 And said 0259 one 5650 of his servants, 3808 No, 0113 my lord, 4428 O king, 3588 for 0477 Elisha 5030 the prophet 4310 who {is} 3478 in Israel 5046 tells 4428 the king of 3478 Israel 1697 the words 0834 that 1696 you speak 2315 in the room of 4904 your sleeping.
6:13 [cbb5] 王说、你们去探他在那里、我好打发人去捉拿他。有人告诉王说、他在多坍。
    [kjv] And he said, Go and spy where he is, that I may send and fetch him. And it was told him, saying, Behold, he is in Dothan.
    [strongs] 0559 And he said, 1980 Go 7200 and see 0351 where 1931 he {is}, 7971 and I will send 8610 and seize him. 5046 And it was told him 0559 saying, 2009 Look {is he} 1886 in Dothan.
6:14 [cbb5] 王就打发车马、和大军、往那里去、夜间到了、围困那城。
    [kjv] Therefore sent he thither horses, and chariots, and a great host: and they came by night, and compassed the city about.
    [strongs] 7971 And he sent 8033 there, 5483 horses 7393 and chariots, 2428 and a army 3515 heavy, 0935 and they came 3915 by night 5437 and encircled 5892 the city.
6:15 [cbb5] 神人的仆人清早起来出去、看见车马军兵围困了城。仆人对神人说、哀哉、我主阿、我们怎样行才好呢。
    [kjv] And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?
    [strongs] 7925 And it was early 5288 the servant of 0376 the man of 0430 God 6965 arose 3318 and went out. 2009 And look, 2428 an army 5437 was encircling 5892 the city, 5483 and horses, 7393 and chariots. 0559 And said 5288 his young man 0000 to him, 0162 Alas, 0113 my lord! 0349 What 6213 will we do?
6:16 [cbb5] 神人说、不要惧怕、与我们同在的、比与他们同在的更多。
    [kjv] And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.
    [strongs] 0559 And he said, 0408 not 3372 Do fear, 3588 for 7227 more 0834 those {are} 0853 with us 0834 than those 0000 with them.
6:17 [cbb5] 以利沙祷告说、耶和华阿、求你开这少年人的眼目、使他能看见。耶和华开他的眼目、他就看见满山有火车火马围绕以利沙。
    [kjv] And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
    [strongs] 6419 And prayed 0477 Elisha, 0559 and said, 3068 O, Yahweh, 6605 open 4994 I beg you 5869 his eyes 7200 and let him see. 6605 And opened 3068 Yahweh 5869 the eyes of 5288 the young man, 8259 and he looked, 2009 and look, 2022 the mount 4376 was full of 5483 horses 4818 and chariots of 0784 fire 5439 all around 0477 Elisha.
6:18 [cbb5] 敌人下到以利沙那里、以利沙祷告耶和华说、求你使这些人的眼目昏迷。耶和华就照以利沙的话、使他们的眼目昏迷。
    [kjv] And when they came down to him, Elisha prayed unto the LORD, and said, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindness. And he smote them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.
    [strongs] 3381 And they came down 0000 to him, 6419 and prayed 0477 Elisha 3068 to Yahweh, 0559 and said, 5221 Strike 4994 I pray 1471 nation 2088 this 5575 with blindness. 5221 And He struck them 5575 with blindness, 1697 as the word of 0477 Elisha.
6:19 [cbb5] 以利沙对他们说、这不是那道、也不是那城你们跟我去、我必领你们到所寻找的人那里。於是领他们到了撒玛利亚。
    [kjv] And Elisha said unto them, This is not the way, neither is this the city: follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom ye seek. But he led them to Samaria.
    [strongs] 0559 Then said 0413 to them 0477 Elisha, 2088 not This {is} 1870 the way, 3808 and not 2988 {is} this 5892 the city. 1980 Go, 0310 after me, 3318 and I will bring 0853 you 0413 to 0376 the man 0834 whom 1245 you seek. 5090 And he led 0000 them 8111 to Samaria.
6:20 [cbb5] 他们进了撒玛利亚、以利沙祷告说、耶和华阿、求你开这些人的眼目、使他们能看见。耶和华开他们的眼目、他们就看见了不料、是在撒玛利亚的城中。
    [kjv] And it came to pass, when they were come into Samaria, that Elisha said, LORD, open the eyes of these men, that they may see. And the LORD opened their eyes, and they saw; and, behold, they were in the midst of Samaria.
    [strongs] 1961 And it was 0935 when they came 8111 {to} Samaria, 0559 that said 0477 Elisha, 3068 O Yahweh, 6605 open 5869 the eyes of 0428 these, 7200 that they may see. 6605 And opened 3068 Yahweh 5869 their eyes, 7200 and they looked, 2009 and look, 8432 in the middle of 8111 Samaria!
6:21 [cbb5] 以色列王见了他们、就问以利沙说、我父阿、我可以击杀他们麽。
    [kjv] And the king of Israel said unto Elisha, when he saw them, My father, shall I smite them? shall I smite them?
    [strongs] 0559 And said 4428 the king of 3478 Israel 0413 to 0477 Elisha, 7200 when he saw 0000 them, 5221 will I strike? 5221 Shall I strike, 0001 my father?
6:22 [cbb5] 回答说、不可击杀他们就是你用刀用弓掳来的、岂可击杀他们麽。”或作也不可击杀何况这些人呢〔当在他们面前设摆饮食、使他们吃喝回到他们的主人那里。
    [kjv] And he answered, Thou shalt not smite them: wouldest thou smite those whom thou hast taken captive with thy sword and with thy bow? set bread and water before them, that they may eat and drink, and go to their master.
    [strongs] 0559 And he said, 3808 not 5221 You will strike! 0834 Those whom 7617 you have captured 2719 with your sword 7198 and with your bow 0000 you 5221 would strike? 5186 Set 3899 food 4325 and water 6440 in front of them, 0398 that they may eat 8354 and drink 1980 and go 0413 to 0113 their master.
6:23 [cbb5] 王就为他们豫备了许多食物他们吃喝完了、打发他们回到他们主人那里。从此、亚兰军不再犯以色列境了。
    [kjv] And he prepared great provision for them: and when they had eaten and drunk, he sent them away, and they went to their master. So the bands of Syria came no more into the land of Israel.
    [strongs] 0631 And he prepared 0000 for them 4960 a banquet 1419 great, 0398 and they ate 8354 and drank. 7971 And he sent them away, 1980 and they went 0413 to 0113 their master. 3808 And not 3605 any 5750 more 1416 the bands of 0758 Aram 0935 did come 0776 into the land of 3478 Israel.
6:24 [cbb5] 此后、亚兰王便哈达聚集他的全军、上来围困撒玛利亚。
    [kjv] And it came to pass after this, that Benhadad king of Syria gathered all his host, and went up, and besieged Samaria.
    [strongs] 1961 And it was, 0310 after- 3651 wards 6908 that gathered 1130 Ben-Hadad 4428 the king of 0758 Aram 3605 all 4264 his army 5927 and went up 6696 and besieged 8111 Samaria.
6:25 [cbb5] 於是撒玛利亚被围困有饥荒、甚至一个驴头值银八十舍客勒、二升鸽子粪值银五舍客勒。
    [kjv] And there was a great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they besieged it, until an ass's head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver, and the fourth part of a cab of dove's dung for five pieces of silver.
    [strongs] 1961 And was 7458 a famine 1419 great 8111 in Samaria. 2009 And look, 6696 they besieged 1961 it 5704 until 1961 was 7218 the head of 2543 a donkey 8084 of eighty 3701 silver {pieces} 7255 and a fourth of 6894 a cab of 2755 dove's dung 2568 at five 3701 silver {pieces}.
6:26 [cbb5] 一日、以色列王在城上经过、有一个妇人向他呼叫说、我主、我王阿、求你帮助。
    [kjv] And as the king of Israel was passing by upon the wall, there cried a woman unto him, saying, Help, my lord, O king.
    [strongs] 1961 And it was, 4428 the king of 3478 Israel 5674 was passing by 5921 on 7023 the wall, 0802 and a woman 6817 cried 0000 to him, 0559 saying, 3467 Save, 0113 my lord, 4428 O King.
6:27 [cbb5] 王说、耶和华不帮助你、我从何处帮助你是从禾场、是从酒钍呢。
    [kjv] And he said, If the LORD do not help thee, whence shall I help thee? out of the barnfloor, or out of the winepress?
    [strongs] 0559 And he said, 0408 {If} not 3467 does you save 3068 Yahweh, 0370 from where 3467 will I save you? 4480 From 1637 the grain floor, 0176 or 4480 from 3342 the winevat?
6:28 [cbb5] 王问妇人说、你有甚麽苦处。他回答说、这妇人对我说、将你的儿子取来、我们今日可以吃、明日可以吃我的儿子。
    [kjv] And the king said unto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow.
    [strongs] 0559 And said 0000 to her 4428 the king, 4100 What {ails} 0000 you? 0559 And she said, 0802 woman 2088 This 0559 said, 0000 to me, 5414 Give 1121 your son 0398 that we may eat him 3117 today, 0000 and 1121 my son 0398 we will eat 4279 tomorrow.
6:29 [cbb5] 我们就煮了我的儿子吃了。次日我对他说、要将你的儿子取来、我们可以吃他却将他的儿子藏起来了。
    [kjv] So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son.
    [strongs] 1310 And we boiled 1121 my son 0398 and ate him 0559 and I said 0000 to her 3117 on the day 0312 next, 5414 Give 0853 your 1121 son 0398 that we may eat him. 2244 But she hid 1121 her son.
6:30 [cbb5] 王听见妇人的话、就撕裂衣服(王在城上经过)百姓看见王贴身穿着麻衣。
    [kjv] And it came to pass, when the king heard the words of the woman, that he rent his clothes; and he passed by upon the wall, and the people looked, and, behold, he had sackcloth within upon his flesh.
    [strongs] 1961 And it was, 8085 when heard 4428 the king 1697 the words of 0802 the woman, 7167 that he tore 0899 his clothes. 1931 And he 5674 was passing by 5921 on 7023 the wall, 7200 and looked 5971 the people, 2009 and look, 8242 the sack cloth 5921 {was} on 1320 flesh 8478 beneath.
6:31 [cbb5] 王说、我今日若容沙法的儿子以利沙的头仍在他项上、愿神重重的降罚与我。
    [kjv] Then he said, God do so and more also to me, if the head of Elisha the son of Shaphat shall stand on him this day.
    [strongs] 0559 And he said, 3541 So 6213 may do 0000 to me 0430 God 1571 and also 3254 more, 0518 if 5975 will stand 7218 the head of 0477 Elisha 1121 the son of 8202 Shaphat 0000 on him 3117 today.
6:32 [cbb5] 那时以利沙正坐在家中、长老也与他同坐王打发一个伺候他的人去他还没有到、以利沙对长老说、你们看这凶手之子、打发人来斩我的头你们看着使者来到、就关上门、用门将他推出去在他后头不是有他主人脚步的响声麽。
    [kjv] But Elisha sat in his house, and the elders sat with him; and the king sent a man from before him: but ere the messenger came to him, he said to the elders, See ye how this son of a murderer hath sent to take away mine head? look, when the messenger cometh, shut the door, and hold him fast at the door: is not the sound of his master's feet behind him?
    [strongs] 0477 And Elisha 3427 was sitting 1004 in his house, 2205 and the elders 3427 were sitting 0000 with him. 7971 And {the king} sent 0376 a man, 6440 from before him. 6440 Before 0935 came 4297 the messenger 0000 to him, 1931 even he 0559 said 0000 to 2205 the elders, 7200 Do you see 3588 that 7971 has sent 1121 son of 7523 the murderer 2088 this 5493 to take away 7218 my head? 7200 Look 0935 when in comes 4297 the messenger, 5462 shut 1817 the door, 3905 and you will press 0000 him 1817 with the door. 3808 {Is} not 6963 the sound of 7272 the feet of 0113 his lord 5462 behind him?
6:33 [cbb5] 正说话的时候、使者来到王也到了、说、这灾祸是从耶和华那里来的我何必再仰望耶和华呢。
    [kjv] And while he yet talked with them, behold, the messenger came down unto him: and he said, Behold, this evil is of the LORD; what should I wait for the LORD any longer?
    [strongs] 5750 While he 1696 was speaking 0000 with them, 2009 then, look, 4297 the messenger 1980 came down 0000 to him. 0559 And he said, 2009 Look, this 7451 the evil 3068 from Yahweh. 4100 Why 3176 should I wait 3068 for Yahweh 5750 any more?