Strong's Number: 5594 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: caphad
Phonetic: saw-fad'

Text: a primitive root; properly, to tear the hair and beat the breasts (as Orientals do in grief); generally to lament; by implication, to wail:

KJV --lament, mourn(-er), wail.

This word was found 36 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Genesis 23:2 | Genesis 50:10 | Exodus 33:4 | Numbers 20:29 | 1 Samuel 25:1 | 1 Samuel 28:3 | 2 Samuel 1:12 | 2 Samuel 3:31 | 2 Samuel 11:26 | 1 Kings 13:29 | 1 Kings 13:30 | 1 Kings 14:13 | Job 29:25 | Ecclesiastes 3:4 | Ecclesiastes 12:5 | Isaiah 3:26 | Isaiah 32:12 | Jeremiah 4:8 | Jeremiah 16:4 | Jeremiah 16:5 | Jeremiah 16:6 | Jeremiah 22:18 | Jeremiah 25:33 | Jeremiah 34:5 | Jeremiah 48:17 | Jeremiah 48:20 | Jeremiah 49:3 | Jeremiah 51:8 | Ezekiel 24:16 | Ezekiel 24:23 | Ezekiel 32:18 | Joel 1:9 | Joel 1:13 | Amos 8:8 | Micah 1:8 | Zechariah 12:10 |