Strong's Number: 8032 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: shilshowm
Phonetic: shil-shome'

Text: or shilshom {shil-shome'}; from the same as 8028; trebly, i.e. (in time) day before yesterday:

KJV --+ before (that time, - time), excellent things [from the margin], + heretofore, three days, + time past.

shloshiym. See 7970.

Shaltiy'el. See 7597.

This word was found 34 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Genesis 31:2 | Genesis 31:5 | Exodus 4:10 | Exodus 5:7 | Exodus 5:8 | Exodus 5:14 | Exodus 21:29 | Exodus 21:36 | Deuteronomy 19:4 | Deuteronomy 19:6 | Joshua 3:4 | Joshua 4:18 | Joshua 20:5 | Ruth 2:11 | 1 Samuel 4:7 | 1 Samuel 10:11 | 1 Samuel 14:21 | 1 Samuel 21:5 | 2 Samuel 3:17 | 2 Samuel 5:2 | 2 Kings 13:5 | 1 Chronicles 11:2 | Nehemiah 1:6 | Nehemiah 1:11 | Nehemiah 8:9 | Nehemiah 8:10 | Nehemiah 8:11 | Nehemiah 9:36 | Esther 5:4 | Job 23:2 | Proverbs 7:14 | Proverbs 22:19 | Proverbs 22:20 | Zechariah 9:12 |