Strong's Number: 1710 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: dagah
Phonetic: daw-gaw'

Text: feminine of 1709, and meaning the same:

KJV -fish.

This word was found 21 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Genesis 1:26 | Genesis 1:28 | Genesis 48:16 | Exodus 7:18 | Exodus 7:21 | Numbers 11:5 | 1 Kings 4:33 | Nehemiah 12:39 | Psalms 105:29 | Song of Solomon 5:10 | Song of Solomon 5:11 | Song of Solomon 5:12 | Song of Solomon 5:13 | Song of Solomon 5:14 | Song of Solomon 5:15 | Song of Solomon 5:16 | Isaiah 50:2 | Ezekiel 47:10 | Jonah 1:17 | Jonah 2:1 | Zephaniah 1:10 |