Strong's Number: 8181 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: se`ar
Phonetic: say-awr'

Text: or (Isaiah 7:20) {sah'-ar}; from 8175 in the sense of dishevelling; hair (as if tossed or bristling):

KJV --hair(-y), X rough.

sho`er. See 7778.

This word was found 28 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Genesis 25:25 | Leviticus 13:3 | Leviticus 13:4 | Leviticus 13:20 | Leviticus 13:21 | Leviticus 13:26 | Leviticus 13:30 | Leviticus 13:31 | Leviticus 13:32 | Leviticus 13:36 | Leviticus 13:37 | Leviticus 14:8 | Leviticus 14:9 | Numbers 6:5 | Numbers 6:18 | Deuteronomy 32:42 | Judges 16:22 | 2 Samuel 14:26 | 2 Kings 1:8 | Ezra 9:3 | Job 4:15 | Psalms 68:21 | Song of Solomon 4:1 | Song of Solomon 6:5 | Song of Solomon 7:5 | Isaiah 7:20 | Ezekiel 16:7 | Zechariah 13:4 |