Strong's Number: 8052 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: shmuw`ah
Phonetic: sehm-oo-aw'

Text: feminine passive participle of 8074; something heard, i.e. an announcement:

KJV --bruit, doctrine, fame, mentioned, news, report, rumor, tidings.

This word was found 17 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
1 Samuel 2:24 | 1 Samuel 4:19 | 2 Samuel 4:4 | 2 Samuel 13:30 | 1 Kings 10:7 | 2 Kings 19:7 | Proverbs 25:25 | Isaiah 28:9 | Isaiah 28:19 | Isaiah 53:1 | Jeremiah 49:14 | Jeremiah 51:46 | Ezekiel 7:26 | Ezekiel 16:56 | Ezekiel 21:7 | Daniel 11:44 | Obadiah 1:1 |