Strong's Number: 7834 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: shachaq
Phonetic: shakh'-ak

Text: from 7833; a powder (as beaten small): by analogy, a thin vapor; by extension, the firmament:

KJV --cloud, small dust, heaven, sky.

schoq. See 7814.

This word was found 14 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Deuteronomy 33:26 | 2 Samuel 22:12 | Job 35:5 | Job 36:28 | Job 38:37 | Psalms 36:5 | Psalms 57:10 | Psalms 77:17 | Psalms 89:6 | Psalms 89:37 | Psalms 108:4 | Proverbs 8:28 | Isaiah 40:15 | Jeremiah 51:9 |