Strong's Number: 6596 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: poth
Phonetic: pohth

Text: or pothah (Ezek. 13:19) {po-thaw'}; from an unused root meaning to open; a hole, i.e. hinge or the female pudenda:

KJV --hinge, secret participle

ptha'iy. See 6612.

This word was found 10 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
1 Kings 7:50 | Psalms 70:3 | Isaiah 3:17 | Ezekiel 21:28 | Ezekiel 32:24 | Ezekiel 32:25 | Ezekiel 32:30 | Ezekiel 39:26 | Ezekiel 44:13 | Zephaniah 3:19 |