Strong's Number: 6525 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: perach
Phonetic: peh'-rakh

Text: from 6524; a calyx (natural or artificial); generally, bloom:

KJV --blossom, bud, flower.

This word was found 17 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Exodus 25:31 | Exodus 25:34 | Exodus 37:17 | Exodus 37:20 | Numbers 8:4 | Numbers 17:8 | 1 Kings 7:26 | 1 Kings 7:49 | 2 Chronicles 4:5 | 2 Chronicles 4:21 | Song of Solomon 2:12 | Song of Solomon 2:13 | Song of Solomon 2:14 | Song of Solomon 2:15 | Song of Solomon 2:16 | Song of Solomon 2:17 | Isaiah 5:24 |