Strong's Number: 5699 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: `agalah
Phonetic: ag-aw-law'

Text: from the same as 5696; something revolving, i.e. a wheeled vehicle:

KJV --cart, chariot, wagon

This word was found 19 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Genesis 45:19 | Genesis 45:21 | Genesis 45:27 | Genesis 46:5 | Numbers 7:3 | Numbers 7:6 | Numbers 7:7 | Numbers 7:8 | 1 Samuel 6:7 | 1 Samuel 6:8 | 1 Samuel 6:10 | 1 Samuel 6:11 | 1 Samuel 6:14 | 2 Samuel 6:3 | 1 Chronicles 13:7 | Isaiah 5:18 | Isaiah 28:27 | Isaiah 28:28 | Amos 2:13 |