Strong's Number: 6643 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: tsbiy
Phonetic: tseb-ee'

Text: from 6638 in the sense of prominence; splendor (as conspicuous); also a gazelle (as beautiful):

KJV --beautiful(-ty), glorious (-ry), goodly, pleasant, roe(-buck).

This word was found 25 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Deuteronomy 12:15 | Deuteronomy 12:22 | Deuteronomy 15:22 | 2 Samuel 1:19 | 2 Samuel 2:18 | 1 Kings 4:23 | 1 Chronicles 12:8 | Job 32:18 | Proverbs 6:5 | Song of Solomon 2:7 | Song of Solomon 2:9 | Song of Solomon 2:17 | Song of Solomon 3:5 | Song of Solomon 4:5 | Song of Solomon 7:3 | Song of Solomon 8:14 | Isaiah 3:18 | Isaiah 13:14 | Isaiah 13:19 | Isaiah 23:9 | Isaiah 28:5 | Lamentations 2:1 | Ezekiel 7:20 | Ezekiel 26:20 | Daniel 8:9 |