Strong's Number: 8561 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: timmor
Phonetic: tim-more'

Text: (plural o or (feminine) timmorah (singular and plural) {tim-mo-raw'}; from the same root as 8558; (arch.) a palm-like pilaster (i.e. umbellate):

KJV --palm tree.

Tammor. See 8412.

timarah. See 8490.

This word was found 11 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
1 Kings 6:29 | 1 Kings 6:32 | 2 Chronicles 3:5 | Ezekiel 40:16 | Ezekiel 40:22 | Ezekiel 40:26 | Ezekiel 40:31 | Ezekiel 40:34 | Ezekiel 40:37 | Ezekiel 41:18 | Ezekiel 41:19 |