Strong's Number: 134 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: 'eden
Phonetic: eh'-den

Text: from the same as 113 (in the sense of strength); a basis (of a building, a column, etc.):

KJV --foundation, socket.

'adon. See 113.

This word was found 36 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Exodus 26:19 | Exodus 26:21 | Exodus 26:25 | Exodus 27:10 | Exodus 27:11 | Exodus 27:12 | Exodus 27:14 | Exodus 27:15 | Exodus 27:16 | Exodus 27:17 | Exodus 27:18 | Exodus 35:11 | Exodus 35:17 | Exodus 36:24 | Exodus 36:26 | Exodus 36:30 | Exodus 36:38 | Exodus 38:10 | Exodus 38:11 | Exodus 38:12 | Exodus 38:14 | Exodus 38:15 | Exodus 38:17 | Exodus 38:19 | Exodus 38:27 | Exodus 38:31 | Exodus 39:33 | Exodus 39:40 | Exodus 40:18 | Numbers 3:36 | Numbers 3:37 | Numbers 4:31 | Numbers 4:32 | Job 38:6 | Song of Solomon 5:15 | Song of Solomon 5:16 |