Strong's Number: 575 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: 'an
Phonetic: awn

Text: or manah {aw-naw'}; contracted from 370; where?; hence, whither?, when?; also hither and thither:

KJV --+ any (no) whither, now, where, whither(-soever).

'On. See 204.

This word was found 15 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Joshua 8:20 | Judges 19:17 | 1 Samuel 10:14 | 2 Samuel 2:1 | 2 Samuel 13:13 | 1 Kings 2:36 | 1 Kings 2:42 | 2 Kings 5:25 | 2 Kings 6:6 | Job 8:2 | Job 19:2 | Psalms 139:7 | Song of Solomon 6:1 | Ezekiel 21:16 | Malachi 2:17 |