Strong's Number: 3723 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: kaphar
Phonetic: kaw-fawr'

Text: from 3722; a village (as protected by walls): -village. Compare 3715.

This word was found 16 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Deuteronomy 2:23 | Joshua 18:24 | 1 Chronicles 27:25 | 1 Chronicles 27:26 | 1 Chronicles 27:27 | 1 Chronicles 27:28 | 1 Chronicles 27:29 | 1 Chronicles 27:30 | 1 Chronicles 27:31 | 1 Chronicles 27:32 | 1 Chronicles 27:33 | 1 Chronicles 27:34 | Nehemiah 6:2 | Song of Solomon 7:11 | Song of Solomon 7:12 | Song of Solomon 7:13 |