Strong's Number: 3569 [ <<= || =>> ]
Transliterated: Kuwshiy
Phonetic: koo-shee'

Text: patronymically from 3568; a Cushite, or descendant of Cush:

KJV -Cushi, Cushite, Ethiopian(-s).

This word was found 23 times in the Old Testament KJV Bible.
Numbers 12:1 | 2 Samuel 18:21 | 2 Samuel 18:22 | 2 Samuel 18:23 | 2 Samuel 18:31 | 2 Samuel 18:32 | 2 Chronicles 12:3 | 2 Chronicles 14:12 | 2 Chronicles 14:13 | 2 Chronicles 14:14 | 2 Chronicles 14:15 | 2 Chronicles 16:8 | 2 Chronicles 21:16 | 2 Chronicles 21:17 | 2 Chronicles 21:18 | 2 Chronicles 21:19 | 2 Chronicles 21:20 | Jeremiah 36:14 | Jeremiah 46:9 | Daniel 11:43 | Amos 9:7 | Zephaniah 1:1 | Zephaniah 2:12 |