路得记 Ruth 1
1:1 [cbb5] 当士师秉政的时候、国中遭遇饥荒、在犹大伯利恒有一个人带着妻子和两个儿子往摩押地去寄居
    [kjv] Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Bethlehemjudah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons.
    [strongs] 1961 And it was, 3117 in the days of 8199 the judging of 8199 the judges, 0000 that was 7458 a famine 0776 in the land. 1980 And went 0376 a man 1035 from Beth- 1035 Lehem 3063 {in} Judah 3427 to live 7704 in the fields of 4124 Moab, 0000 he 0802 and his wife, 8147 and two 1121 his sons.
1:2 [cbb5] 这人名叫以利米勒、他的妻名叫拿俄米、他两个儿子、一个名叫玛伦、一个名叫基连、都是犹大伯利恒的以法他人、他们到了摩押地就住在那里。
    [kjv] And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehemjudah. And they came into the country of Moab, and continued there.
    [strongs] 8034 And the name of 0120 the man 0458 {was} Elimelech, 8034 and the name of 0802 his wife 5281 {was} Naomi, 8034 and the name of 8147 two 1121 his sons were: 4248 Mahlon 3630 and Chilion, 0673 Ephrathites 1035 from Beth- 1035 Lehem 3063 {in} Judah. 0935 And they came 7704 to the fields of 4124 Moab 3885 and stayed 8033 there.
1:3 [cbb5] 后来拿俄米的丈夫以利米勒死了、剩下妇人和他两个儿子。
    [kjv] And Elimelech Naomi's husband died; and she was left, and her two sons.
    [strongs] 4191 But died 0458 Elimelech, 0376 husband 5281 Naomi's. 7604 And she was left, 1931 she 8147 and two 1121 her sons.
1:4 [cbb5] 这两个儿子娶了摩押女子为妻、一个名叫俄珥巴、一个名叫路得、在那里住了约有十年。
    [kjv] And they took them wives of the women of Moab; the name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other Ruth: and they dwelled there about ten years.
    [strongs] 2947 And they took 0000 to themselves, 0802 {as} wives 0425 women of Moab. 8034 The name of 0259 the one 6204 {was} Orpah, 8034 and the name of 8145 the second, 7227 {was} Ruth. 2416 And they lived 8033 there 6235 {for} about ten 8141 years.
1:5 [cbb5] 玛伦和基连二人也死了、剩下拿俄米没有丈夫、也没有儿子。
    [kjv] And Mahlon and Chilion died also both of them; and the woman was left of her two sons and her husband.
    [strongs] 4191 And they died, 1571 also, 8147 both of them, 4198 Mahlon 3630 and Chilion. 7604 And was bereaved 0802 the woman 8147 of two 3206 her children 0375 and of her husband,
1:6 [cbb5] 他就与两个儿妇起身要从摩押地归回、因为他在摩押地、听见耶和华眷顾自己的百姓、赐粮食与他们。
    [kjv] Then she arose with her daughters in law, that she might return from the country of Moab: for she had heard in the country of Moab how that the LORD had visited his people in giving them bread.
    [strongs] 6965 And she arose, 1931 she 3668 and her daughters-in-law, 7725 and returned 7704 from the fields of 4124 Moab, 0000 because 8085 she had heard 7704 in the fields of 4124 Moab 0000 that 6485 had visited 3068 Yahweh 5971 His people 5414 to give 3988 food 0000 to them.
1:7 [cbb5] 於是他和两个儿妇起行离开所住的地方、要回犹大地去。
    [kjv] Wherefore she went forth out of the place where she was, and her two daughters in law with her; and they went on the way to return unto the land of Judah.
    [strongs] 3318 And she went out 4480 from 4725 the place 0834 where 1961 she had been, 8033 there, 8147 and two 3618 her daughters-in-law 0000 with her 0000 and 3221 they went 1870 on the road 7725 to return 0413 to 0776 the land of 3063 Judah.
1:8 [cbb5] 拿俄米对两个儿妇说、你们各人回娘家去罢、愿耶和华恩待你们、像你们恩待已死的人与我一样
    [kjv] And Naomi said unto her two daughters in law, Go, return each to her mother's house: the LORD deal kindly with you, as ye have dealt with the dead, and with me.
    [strongs] 0000 And 0559 said 5281 Naomi 0413 to 3618 her daughters-in-law, 1980 Go, 7725 return 0376 each 1104 to the house of 0517 her mother. 6213 May deal 3068 Yahweh 0000 with you 2617 kindly, 0000 as 6213 you have done 0413 with 7218 the head 0000 and with me.
1:9 [cbb5] 愿耶和华使你们各在新夫家中得平安於是拿俄米与他们亲嘴、他们就放声而哭、
    [kjv] The LORD grant you that ye may find rest, each of you in the house of her husband. Then she kissed them; and they lifted up their voice, and wept.
    [strongs] 5414 May grant 3068 Yahweh 0000 to you 0000 that you find 4494 rest, 0376 each 1004 in the house of 0376 her husband. 5401 Then she kissed 0000 them. 5375 But they raised 6963 their voice 1058 and wept.
1:10 [cbb5] 说、不然、我们必与你一同回你本国去。
    [kjv] And they said unto her, Surely we will return with thee unto thy people.
    [strongs] 0559 And he said 0000 to her 3808 No, 0000 with you 7725 we must return 5971 to your people.
1:11 [cbb5] 拿俄米说、我女儿们哪、回去罢、为何要跟我去呢、我还能生子作你们的丈夫麽
    [kjv] And Naomi said, Turn again, my daughters: why will ye go with me? are there yet any more sons in my womb, that they may be your husbands?
    [strongs] 0559 And said 5281 Naomi, 7725 Turn back 1323 my daughters! 4100 Why 1980 should you go 3190 with me? 0000 Are still 0000 to me 1121 sons 4578 in my womb 1961 that they should be 0000 for you 0376 husbands?
1:12 [cbb5] 我女儿们哪、回去罢、我年纪老迈、不能再有丈夫、即或说、我还有指望、今夜有丈夫可以生子
    [kjv] Turn again, my daughters, go your way; for I am too old to have an husband. If I should say, I have hope, if I should have an husband also to night, and should also bear sons;
    [strongs] 7725 Return, 1323 my daughters, 1980 go, 0000 because 2204 I am too old 1961 to be {remarried} 0376 to a husband, 0000 If 0559 I should say 3426 there is 0000 for me 8615 hope, 1571 even {if} 1961 I should be 3915 {married} tonight 0376 to a husband 1571 and even {if} 1961 I should give birth to 1121 sons,
1:13 [cbb5] 你们岂能等着他们长大呢、你们岂能等着他们不嫁别人呢我女儿们哪、不要这样、我为你们的缘故、甚是愁苦、因为耶和华伸手攻击我。
    [kjv] Would ye tarry for them till they were grown? would ye stay for them from having husbands? nay, my daughters; for it grieveth me much for your sakes that the hand of the LORD is gone out against me.
    [strongs] 0000 for them 3427 would you wait 5704 un- 0834 til 1430 they grow up 0000 for them? 5702 Would you endure 0000 not 0413 to 1961 be {remarried} 0376 to a husband? 3808 No, 1323 my daughters, 4843 because more bitter 0000 for me 3966 much {it is} 0000 than for you, 3318 because has gone out 7398 against me 3027 hand 3069 Yahweh's.
1:14 [cbb5] 两个儿妇又放声而哭、俄珥巴与婆婆亲嘴而别、只是路得舍不得拿俄米。
    [kjv] And they lifted up their voice, and wept again: and Orpah kissed her mother in law; but Ruth clave unto her.
    [strongs] 5375 And they lifted up 6963 their voice 1058 and wept 5750 again. 5401 Then kissed 6204 Orpah 2545 her mother-in-law, 7327 but Ruth 1692 clung 0000 to her.
1:15 [cbb5] 拿俄米说、看哪、你嫂子已经回他本国、和他所拜的神那里去了、你也跟着你嫂子回去罢。
    [kjv] And she said, Behold, thy sister in law is gone back unto her people, and unto her gods: return thou after thy sister in law.
    [strongs] 0559 And she said, 2009 Look, 7725 has returned 2994 your sister-in-law 0413 to 5971 her people, 0000 and to 0430 her gods. 7725 Return 0310 behind 2994 your sister-in-law.
1:16 [cbb5] 路得说、不要催我回去不跟随你、你往那里去、我也往那里去你在哪里住宿、我也在那里住宿你的国就是我的国、你的神就是我的神
    [kjv] And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:
    [strongs] 0559 But said 7227 Ruth, 0000 not 6293 Do beg 0000 me 5800 to leave 7725 to return 0310 from after you, 0000 because 0413 to 0834 where 1980 you go, 1980 I will go, 0331 and where 3885 you stay 3885 I will stay. 5971 Your people {will be} 5971 my people, 0430 and your God {will be} 0430 my God,
1:17 [cbb5] 你在那里死、我也在那里死、也葬在那里除非死能使你我相离、不然、愿耶和华重重地降罚与我。
    [kjv] Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.
    [strongs] 0834 Where 4191 you die, 4191 I will die. 8033 And there 6912 will I be buried. 3541 Thus 6213 may do 3068 Yahweh 0000 to me, 0000 and so 3254 more, 0000 if 4194 death {alone} 6504 will separate 0000 me 0000 and you,
1:18 [cbb5] 拿俄米见路得定意要跟随自己去、就不再劝他了。
    [kjv] When she saw that she was stedfastly minded to go with her, then she left speaking unto her.
    [strongs] 7200 And she saw 0000 that 0553 made herself strong 1931 she 0413 to 1980 go 0000 with her, 2308 so she stopped {trying} 1696 to dissuade 0000 her.
1:19 [cbb5] 於是二人同行、来到伯利恒、他们到了伯利恒、合城的人就都惊讶、妇女们说、这是拿俄米麽。
    [kjv] So they two went until they came to Bethlehem. And it came to pass, when they were come to Bethlehem, that all the city was moved about them, and they said, Is this Naomi?
    [strongs] 1980 And they went, 8147 both of them, 5704 until 0935 they came 1035 to Beth- 1035 Lehem, 1961 And it was 0935 when they came 1035 to Beth- 1035 Lehem, 1949 that was moved 3605 all 5892 the town 0000 because of them. 0559 And they said, 2088 Is this 5281 Naomi?
1:20 [cbb5] 拿俄米对他们说、不要叫我拿俄米、”拿俄米就是甜的意思〔要叫我玛拉、”玛拉就是苦的意思〔因为全能者使我受了大苦。
    [kjv] And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.
    [strongs] 0559 And she said 0000 to them, 0000 not 6213 Do 7121 call 0000 me 5281 Naomi; 7121 call 0000 me 4755 Mara, 0000 because 4843 has made bitter 7706 the Almighty 0000 me 0000 very.
1:21 [cbb5] 我满满的出去、耶和华使我空空的回来、耶和华降祸与我、全能者使我受苦、既是这样、你们为何还叫我拿俄米呢。
    [kjv] I went out full and the LORD hath brought me home again empty: why then call ye me Naomi, seeing the LORD hath testified against me, and the Almighty hath afflicted me?
    [strongs] 0000 I 4392 full 5927 went out, 0422 and empty 7725 has brought me back 3068 Yahweh. 4100 Why 7121 do you call 0000 me 5281 Naomi, 3068 since Yahweh 6030 has eyed 0000 me, 7706 and the Almighty 7489 has done harm 0000 to me?
1:22 [cbb5] 拿俄米和他儿妇摩押女子路得、从摩押地回来到伯利恒、正是动手割大麦的时候。
    [kjv] So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter in law, with her, which returned out of the country of Moab: and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest.
    [strongs] 7725 And returned 5281 Naomi 7327 and Ruth, 4125 the Moabitess, 3618 her daughter-in-law 0000 with her 7725 the one returning 7704 from the fields of 4124 Moab. 0000 And they 3318 came 1035 {to} Beth-Lehem 8462 at the beginning of 7102 harvest 8184 barley.