诗篇 Psalms 48
48:1 [cbb5] ”可拉后裔的诗歌。〔耶和华本为大、在我们神的城中、在他的圣山上、该受大赞美。
    [kjv] Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness.
    [strongs] 7892 A song. 4210 A psalm 1121 for the sons of 7141 Korah. 1450 Great {is} 3068 Yahweh, 1984 and to be praised 3966 greatly 5892 in the city of 0430 our God, 2022 the mountain of 6944 His holiness.
48:2 [cbb5] 锡安山、大君王的城、在北面居高华美、为全地所喜悦。
    [kjv] Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.
    [strongs] 3303 Beautiful 5920 on high, 2304 the joy of 3605 all 0776 the earth, 2022 {is} Mount, 6726 Zion 5676 in the sides of 6828 the north, 5892 the city of 4428 the king 1419 great.
48:3 [cbb5] 神在其宫中自显为避难所。
    [kjv] God is known in her palaces for a refuge.
    [strongs] 0430 God 0759 in her citadels 3045 is known 4869 for a refuge.
48:4 [cbb5] 看哪、众王会合、一同经过。
    [kjv] For, lo, the kings were assembled, they passed by together.
    [strongs] 2009 For look, 4428 the kings 3259 met, 5674 they passed by 3162 together.
48:5 [cbb5] 他们见了这城、就惊奇丧胆、急忙逃跑。
    [kjv] They saw it, and so they marvelled; they were troubled, and hasted away.
    [strongs] 7200 They saw. 3651 So 8539 they marveled. 0926 They were troubled 2648 {and} ran away.
48:6 [cbb5] 他们在那里被战兢疼痛抓住、好像产难的妇人一样。
    [kjv] Fear took hold upon them there, and pain, as of a woman in travail.
    [strongs] 2827 Trembling 8610 seized them 8033 there, 2427 {and} pain, 3205 as a woman in labor.
48:7 [cbb5] 神阿、你用东风打破他施的船只。
    [kjv] Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish with an east wind.
    [strongs] 7307 With a wind 6921 east 7665 You break 0591 the ships of 8659 Tashish.
48:8 [cbb5] 我们在万军之耶和华的城中、就是我们神的城中、所看见的、正如我们所听见的神必坚立这城、直到永远。”细拉〔
    [kjv] As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the LORD of hosts, in the city of our God: God will establish it for ever. Selah.
    [strongs] 0834 As 8085 we have heard 3651 so 7200 we have seen 5892 in the city of 3068 Yahweh of 6635 armies, 5892 in the city of 0430 our God. 0430 God 3559 establishes it 5769 forever. 5542 Selah.
48:9 [cbb5] 神阿、我们在你的殿中、想念你的慈爱。
    [kjv] We have thought of thy lovingkindness, O God, in the midst of thy temple.
    [strongs] 1819 We have thought 0430 O God, 2617 on your loving-kindness, 8432 in the middle of 1964 Your temple.
48:10 [cbb5] 神阿、你受的赞美、正与你的名相称、直到地极你的右手满了公义。
    [kjv] According to thy name, O God, so is thy praise unto the ends of the earth: thy right hand is full of righteousness.
    [strongs] 8034 As Your name, 0430 O God, 3651 so {is} 8416 Your praise 0000 to 7098 the ends of 0776 the earth. 6666 righteousness 4390 is full of 3225 Your right hand.
48:11 [cbb5] 因你的判断、锡安山应当欢喜犹大的城邑、应当快乐。”城邑原文是女子〔
    [kjv] Let mount Zion rejoice, let the daughters of Judah be glad, because of thy judgments.
    [strongs] 8156 Will be glad 2022 Mount 6726 Zion. 1523 Will rejoice 1323 the daughters of 3063 Judah, 0000 because of 4941 Your judgments!
48:12 [cbb5] 你们当周游锡安、四围旋绕、数点城楼、
    [kjv] Walk about Zion, and go round about her: tell the towers thereof.
    [strongs] 5437 Walk around 6726 Zion 5362 and go all around it. 5608 Count 4026 its towers.
48:13 [cbb5] 细看他的外郭、察看他的宫殿、为要传说到后代。
    [kjv] Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces; that ye may tell it to the generation following.
    [strongs] 5186 Set 3824 your heart 2430 on its ramparts. 6448 Pass between 0759 its citadels, 4616 so that 5608 you may tell 1755 to the generation 0314 following.
48:14 [cbb5] 因为这神永永远远为我们的神他必作我们引路的、直到死时。
    [kjv] For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death.
    [strongs] 3588 For 0000 this {is} 0430 God, 0430 our God 5769 forever 5073 and ever. 5090 He will be guide 4194 to death.