诗篇 Psalms 34
34:1 [cbb5] ”大卫在亚比米勒面前装疯、被他赶出去、就作这诗。〔我要时时称颂耶和华赞美他的话必常在我口中。
    [kjv] I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
    [strongs] 1732 Of David. 8138 When he changed 2940 his behavior 6440 before 0040 Abimelech. 1644 And he drove him away 1980 and he went. 1288 I will bless 3068 Yahweh 3605 at all 6251 times. 8548 {will be} always 8416 His praise 6310 in my mouth.
34:2 [cbb5] 我的心必因耶和华夸耀谦卑人听见、就要喜乐。
    [kjv] My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.
    [strongs] 3068 In Yahweh 1984 will boast 5315 my soul. 8085 will hear 6041 The humble 8056 and be glad.
34:3 [cbb5] 你们和我当称耶和华为大、一同高举他的名。
    [kjv] O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.
    [strongs] 1430 Magnify 3068 Yahweh 0000 with me, 7311 and let us exalt 8034 His name 3162 together.
34:4 [cbb5] 我曾寻求耶和华、他就应允我、救我脱离了一切的恐惧。
    [kjv] I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
    [strongs] 1875 I sought 3068 Yahweh 6030 and He answered me. 3605 And out of all 4035 my fears 5237 He delivered me.
34:5 [cbb5] 凡仰望他的、便有光荣他们的脸、必不蒙羞。
    [kjv] They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.
    [strongs] 7200 They looked 0000 to Him 5102 and were bright, 6440 and their faces 0408 not 0954 were ashamed.
34:6 [cbb5] 我这困苦人呼求、耶和华便垂听、救我脱离一切患难。
    [kjv] This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.
    [strongs] 0000 This 6041 poor {man} 3068 and Yahweh 8085 heard. 3605 And out of all 6864 his troubles 3467 saved him him.
34:7 [cbb5] 耶和华的使者、在敬畏他的人四围安营、搭救他们。
    [kjv] The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
    [strongs] 2583 Encamps 4397 the Angel of 3068 Yahweh 5430 around 3373 those who revere Him. 2502 And He delivers them.
34:8 [cbb5] 你们要尝尝主恩的滋味、便知道他是美善投靠他的人有福了。
    [kjv] O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
    [strongs] 2938 Taste 7200 and see, 2876 that good 3068 {is} Yahweh. 1288 Blessed {is} 1397 the man {who} 2620 seeks refuge 0982 in Him.
34:9 [cbb5] 耶和华的圣民哪、你们当敬畏他、因敬畏他的一无所缺。
    [kjv] O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.
    [strongs] 3372 Revere 3068 Yahweh 6918 His holy ones. 3588 For 0369 is no 4270 lack 3373 to those revering Him.
34:10 [cbb5] 少壮狮子、还缺食忍饿但寻求耶和华的、甚麽好处都不缺。
    [kjv] The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.
    [strongs] 3715 The young lions 7326 have lacked 7456 and been hungry. 1875 But those who seek 3068 Yahweh 3808 not 2637 will lack 3605 any 2898 good thing.
34:11 [cbb5] 众弟子阿、你们当来听我的话我要将敬畏耶和华的道、教训你们。
    [kjv] Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
    [strongs] 0935 Come, 1121 sons, 8085 listen 0000 to me. 6343 The fear of 3068 Yahweh 0502 I will teach you.
34:12 [cbb5] 有何人喜好存活、爱慕长寿、得享美福
    [kjv] What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good?
    [strongs] 4310 Who {is} 0376 the man 7655 who desires 2416 life, 0157 loving 3117 days 7200 to see 2896 good?
34:13 [cbb5] 就要禁止舌头不出恶言、嘴唇不说诡诈的话。
    [kjv] Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.
    [strongs] 8104 Keep 3956 your tongue 7451 from evil, 8193 and your lips 1696 from speaking 4820 guile.
34:14 [cbb5] 要离恶行善、寻求和睦、一心追赶。
    [kjv] Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.
    [strongs] 1980 Depart 7451 from evil 6213 and do 2896 good, 1245 seek 7965 peace 7291 and pursue it.
34:15 [cbb5] 耶和华的眼目、看顾义人、他的耳朵、听他们的呼求。
    [kjv] The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.
    [strongs] 5869 The eyes of 3068 Yahweh {are} 5921 upon 6662 the righteous. 0241 And His ears 0000 {are open} to 7775 their cry.
34:16 [cbb5] 耶和华向行恶的人变脸、要从世上除灭他们的名号。
    [kjv] The face of the LORD is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
    [strongs] 6440 The face of 3068 Yahweh 0413 {is} against 7451 evil-doers 3772 to cut off 0776 from the earth 2142 their memory.
34:17 [cbb5] 义人呼求、耶和华听见了、便救他们脱离一切患难。
    [kjv] The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
    [strongs] 2197 They cry out 3068 and Yahweh 8085 hears. 0000 And 6864 out of all their troubles 5337 He saves them.
34:18 [cbb5] 耶和华靠近伤心的人、拯救灵性痛悔的人。
    [kjv] The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
    [strongs] 7138 Near 3068 Yahweh {is} 7665 to the broken of 3820 heart, 0000 and 1793 the crushed of 7307 spirit 3467 He saves.
34:19 [cbb5] 义人多有苦难但耶和华救他脱离这一切
    [kjv] Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
    [strongs] 7227 Many 7451 are the evils 6662 to the righteous, 3605 and out of them all 5337 delivers him 3068 Yahweh.
34:20 [cbb5] 又保全他一身的骨头、连一根也不折断。
    [kjv] He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.
    [strongs] 8104 Keeping 3605 all 6106 his bones. 0259 one 0000 of them 3808 Not 7280 is broken.
34:21 [cbb5] 恶必害死恶人恨恶义人的、必被定罪。
    [kjv] Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.
    [strongs] 4191 will kill 7563 the wicked 7451 Evil, 8130 and the haters of 6662 the righteous 0816 will be guilty.
34:22 [cbb5] 耶和华救赎他仆人的灵魂凡投靠他的、必不至定罪。
    [kjv] The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate.
    [strongs] 6299 {is} redeeming 3068 Yahweh 5315 the soul of 5650 His servants, 3808 and not 0816 will be guilty 3605 all 2620 those who seek refuge 0982 in Him.