诗篇 Psalms 121
121:1 [cbb5] ”上行之诗。〔我要向山举目。我的帮助从何而来。
    [kjv] I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
    [strongs] 7891 A song of 4609 ascents. 5375 I will lift up 5869 my eyes 0000 to 2022 the hills. 0370 From where 0935 will come 5833 my help?
121:2 [cbb5] 我的帮助从造天地的耶和华而来。
    [kjv] My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
    [strongs] 5833 My help 0000 {comes} from 3068 Yahweh, 6213 the Maker of 8064 the heavens 0776 and the earth.
121:3 [cbb5] 他必不叫你的脚摇动保护你的必不打盹。
    [kjv] He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
    [strongs] 0408 not 5414 He will give 4132 to slip 7272 your foot. 0408 not 5123 will slumber 8104 He who keeps you.
121:4 [cbb5] 保护以色列的、也不打盹、也不睡觉。
    [kjv] Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
    [strongs] 2009 Behold, 3808 will not 5123 slumber 3808 nor 8142 sleep 8104 He who keeps 3478 Israel!
121:5 [cbb5] 保护你的是耶和华耶和华在你右边荫庇你。
    [kjv] The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
    [strongs] 3068 Yahweh {is} 8104 Your keeper. 3068 Yahweh {is} 6738 your shade 3027 on hand 3225 your right.
121:6 [cbb5] 白日太阳必不伤你夜间月亮必不害你。
    [kjv] The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
    [strongs] 3119 by day 8121 The sun 3808 not 5221 will strike you 3394 nor the moon 3915 by night.
121:7 [cbb5] 耶和华要保护你、免受一切的灾害他要保护你的性命。
    [kjv] The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
    [strongs] 3068 Yahweh 8104 will keep you 3605 from all 7451 harm. 8104 He will keep 5315 your soul.
121:8 [cbb5] 你出你入、耶和华要保护你、从今时直到永远。
    [kjv] The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
    [strongs] 3068 Yahweh 8604 will keep 4161 your going out 3996 and your coming in. 6258 From now on 5704 and until 5769 forever.