箴言 Proverbs 10
10:1 [cbb5] 所罗门的箴言。智慧之子、使父亲欢乐愚昧之子、叫母亲担忧。
    [kjv] The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.
    [strongs] 4912 Proverbs of 8010 Solomon: 5207 A son 4680 wise 8056 makes rejoice 0001 a father, 1121 but a son 3684 foolish {is} 1671 sorrow of 0517 his mother.
10:2 [cbb5] 不义之财、毫无益处惟有公义、能救人脱离死亡。
    [kjv] Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death.
    [strongs] 3808 Not 3276 do profit 0214 treasures of 7562 wickedness, 6666 but righteousness 0000 delivers 4194 from death.
10:3 [cbb5] 耶和华不使义人受饥饿恶人所欲的他必推开。
    [kjv] The LORD will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish: but he casteth away the substance of the wicked.
    [strongs] 3808 Not 7456 allows to hunger 3068 Yahweh 5315 the soul of 6662 the righteous. 1942 But desire 7563 the wicked's 1920 He pushes away.
10:4 [cbb5] 手懒的、要受贫穷手勤的、却要富足。
    [kjv] He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.
    [strongs] 7326 {Becomes} poor 6213 he who deals 3709 {with} a palm 7503 lazy. 3027 But hand 2742 the hard worker's 6238 makes rich.
10:5 [cbb5] 夏天聚敛的、是智慧之子收割时沉睡的、是贻羞之子。
    [kjv] He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.
    [strongs] 0103 He who gathers 7019 in summer 1121 {is} a son 7919 prudent. 7290 He who sleeps 7102 in harvest 1121 {is} a son 0954 causing shame.
10:6 [cbb5] 福祉临到义人的头强暴蒙蔽恶人的口。
    [kjv] Blessings are upon the head of the just: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
    [strongs] 1293 Blessings {are} 7218 to the head of 6662 the just. 6310 But mouth 7563 the wicked's 5844 covers 2555 violence.
10:7 [cbb5] 义人的纪念被称赞恶人的名字必朽烂。
    [kjv] The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.
    [strongs] 2143 The memory of 6662 the just 1293 {is} for a blessing, 8034 but the name of 7563 the wicked 7537 will rot.
10:8 [cbb5] 心中智慧的、必受命令口里愚妄的、必致倾倒。
    [kjv] The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall.
    [strongs] 2450 The wise of 3820 heart 3947 accepts 4687 commands. 0191 But the foolish of 5491 lips 3832 will be thrust away.
10:9 [cbb5] 行正直路的、步步安稳走弯曲道的、必致败露。
    [kjv] He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: but he that perverteth his ways shall be known.
    [strongs] 1980 He who walks 8537 in integrity 1980 walks 0983 safely. 6140 But he who perverts 1870 his ways 3045 will be known.
10:10 [cbb5] 以眼传神的、使人忧患口里愚妄的、必致倾倒。
    [kjv] He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow: but a prating fool shall fall.
    [strongs] 7169 One winking 5869 the eye 5414 gives 4730 pain, 0191 but the foolish of 5491 lips 3832 will be thrust away.
10:11 [cbb5] 义人的口是生命的泉源强暴蒙蔽恶人的口。
    [kjv] The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
    [strongs] 4726 A fountain of 2416 life {is} 4750 mouth 6662 the righteous'. 6310 But mouth 7563 the wicked's 5844 covers 2555 violence.
10:12 [cbb5] 恨、能挑启争端爱、能遮掩一切过错。
    [kjv] Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.
    [strongs] 8130 Hatred 5782 stirs up 4090 strifes, 5921 but over 3605 all 6588 transgressions 5844 covers 0026 love.
10:13 [cbb5] 明哲人嘴里有智慧无知人背上受刑杖。
    [kjv] In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding.
    [strongs] 8193 On the lips of 0995 the discerning 4672 is found 2451 wisdom. 7626 But a rod {is} 1460 for the back of 2038 one lacking 3820 heart.
10:14 [cbb5] 智慧人积存知识愚妄人的口速致败坏。
    [kjv] Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.
    [strongs] 2450 The wise 2845 store up 1922 knowledge. 6310 But mouth 0191 the fool's- 4938 ruin 7138 {is} near.
10:15 [cbb5] 富户的财物、是他的坚城穷人的贫乏、是他的败坏。
    [kjv] The rich man's wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty.
    [strongs] 1952 Wealth of 6223 the rich man 7151 {is} the city of 3501 his strength. 7667 The ruin of 6035 the poor 7389 {is} their poverty.
10:16 [cbb5] 义人的勤劳致生恶人的进项致死。”死原文作罪〔
    [kjv] The labour of the righteous tendeth to life: the fruit of the wicked to sin.
    [strongs] 4639 The work of 6662 the righteous 2416 {is} for life. 8393 The gain of 7563 the wicked 2403 {is} for sin.
10:17 [cbb5] 谨守训诲的、乃在生命的道上违弃责备的、便失迷了路。
    [kjv] He is in the way of life that keepeth instruction: but he that refuseth reproof erreth.
    [strongs] 0734 {On} the path 2416 to life {is} 8104 one keeping 4148 instruction. 5800 But one forsaking 8433 reproof 8582 {is} going astray.
10:18 [cbb5] 隐藏怨恨的、有说谎的嘴口出谗谤的、是愚妄的人。
    [kjv] He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.
    [strongs] 3680 He who hides 8130 hatred {has} 8193 lips of 8267 falsehood, 7971 and one sending out 7400 slander 0000 he {is} 3684 a fool.
10:19 [cbb5] 多言多语难免有过禁止嘴唇是有智慧。
    [kjv] In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.
    [strongs] 7230 In abundance of 1697 words 3808 not 1820 ceases 6588 transgression. 2820 But one restraining 8193 his lips 7919 {is} prudent.
10:20 [cbb5] 义人的舌、乃似高银恶人的心所值无几。
    [kjv] The tongue of the just is as choice silver: the heart of the wicked is little worth.
    [strongs] 3701 silver 0977 Choice {is} 3956 the tongue of 6662 the just. 3820 The heart of 7563 the wicked 4592 {is} as a little.
10:21 [cbb5] 义人的口教养多人愚昧人因无知而死亡。
    [kjv] The lips of the righteous feed many: but fools die for want of wisdom.
    [strongs] 8193 The lips of 6662 the righteous 7462 feed 7227 many. 0191 But fools 2640 in lack of 3820 heart 4191 die.
10:22 [cbb5] 耶和华所赐的福、使人富足、并不加上忧虑。
    [kjv] The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.
    [strongs] 1293 The blessing of 3068 Yahweh, 1961 it 6238 makes rich, 3808 and not 0000 He adds 4730 pain 0000 with it.
10:23 [cbb5] 愚妄人以行恶为戏耍明哲人却以智慧为乐。
    [kjv] It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.
    [strongs] 0000 As laughter 3684 to the foolish 2716 to work out 2154 evil devices. 2451 So wisdom {is} 0376 to the man of 8394 understanding.
10:24 [cbb5] 恶人所怕的必临到他义人所愿的必蒙应允。
    [kjv] The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him: but the desire of the righteous shall be granted.
    [strongs] 4034 What is feared by 7563 the wicked, 0000 that 0935 will come upon him. 8378 But the desire of 6662 the righteous 5414 is given.
10:25 [cbb5] 暴风一过、恶人归於无有义人的根基却是永久。
    [kjv] As the whirlwind passeth, so is the wicked no more: but the righteous is an everlasting foundation.
    [strongs] 5674 As passes 5492 the tempest. 0369 So is not 7563 the wicked. 6662 But the righteous 3247 {is} a foundation 0166 everlasting.
10:26 [cbb5] 懒惰人叫差他的人、如醋倒牙、如烟薰目。
    [kjv] As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him.
    [strongs] 2558 Like vinegar 8127 to the teeth, 6227 and like smoke 5869 to the eyes, 0000 so {is} 6102 the lazy man 7971 to those sending him.
10:27 [cbb5] 敬畏耶和华、使人日子加多但恶人的年岁必被减少。
    [kjv] The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.
    [strongs] 6343 The reverence of 3068 Yahweh 0000 prolongs 3117 days. 8141 But the years of 7563 the wicked 7114 will be shortened.
10:28 [cbb5] 义人的盼望、必得喜乐恶人的指望、必至灭没。
    [kjv] The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish.
    [strongs] 0000 The hope of 6662 the righteous 8057 {is} joy. 0000 But the hope of 7563 the wicked 0006 will perish.
10:29 [cbb5] 耶和华的道、是正直人的保障却成了作孽人的败坏。
    [kjv] The way of the LORD is strength to the upright: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.
    [strongs] 1369 {Is} strength 3477 to the upright 1870 the way of 3068 Yahweh, 4288 but ruin 6466 to workers of 7451 evil.
10:30 [cbb5] 义人永不挪移恶人不得住在地上。
    [kjv] The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.
    [strongs] 6662 The righteous 5769 forever 3808 not 4131 will be shaken, 1100 but the wicked 3808 not 3427 will live in 0776 the land.
10:31 [cbb5] 义人的口、滋生智慧乖谬的舌、必被割断。
    [kjv] The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom: but the froward tongue shall be cut out.
    [strongs] 4750 mouth 6662 The righteous' 5107 flourishes 2451 {with} wisdom, 3956 but the tongue of 8418 perversities 3772 will be cut off.
10:32 [cbb5] 义人的嘴、能令人喜悦恶人的口、说乖谬的话。
    [kjv] The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaketh frowardness.
    [strongs] 8193 The lips of 6662 the righteous 3045 know 7522 what is pleasing. 6310 But mouth 7563 the wicked's, 8419 {only} perversities.