民数记 Numbers 36
36:1 [cbb5] 约瑟的后裔、玛拿西的孙子、玛吉的儿子基列、他子孙中的诸族长来到摩西、和作首领的以色列人族长面前、说、
    [kjv] And the chief fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the princes, the chief fathers of the children of Israel:
    [strongs] 7126 And came near 7218 the heads of 0001 the fathers 4940 of the families of 1121 the sons of 1568 Gilead, 1121 the son of 4353 Machir, 1121 the son of 4519 Manasseh, 4940 of the families of 1121 the sons of 3127 Joseph, 1696 and spoke 6440 in front of 4872 Moses, 6440 and in front of 5387 the rulers, 7218 the heads of 0001 the fathers 1121 of the sons of 3478 Israel.
36:2 [cbb5] 耶和华曾吩咐我主、拈阄分地给以色列人为业、我主也受了耶和华的吩咐、将我们兄弟西罗非哈的产业分给他的众女儿。
    [kjv] And they said, The LORD commanded my lord to give the land for an inheritance by lot to the children of Israel: and my lord was commanded by the LORD to give the inheritance of Zelophehad our brother unto his daughters.
    [strongs] 0559 And they said, 0113 my lord 6680 commanded 3068 Yahweh 5414 to give 0776 the land 5159 for inheritance 1486 by lot 1121 to the sons of 3478 Israel. 0113 And my lord 6680 was commanded 3068 by Yahweh 5414 to give 5157 the inheritance of 6765 Zelophehad, 0251 our brother, 1323 to his daughters.
36:3 [cbb5] 他们若嫁以色列别支派的人、就必将我们祖宗所遗留的产业、加在他们丈夫支派的产业中这样、我们拈阄所得的产业就要减少了。
    [kjv] And if they be married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of Israel, then shall their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of our fathers, and shall be put to the inheritance of the tribe whereunto they are received: so shall it be taken from the lot of our inheritance.
    [strongs] 1961 And {if} they will be 1121 to one of the sons of 7626 the {other} tribes of 1121 the sons of 3478 Israel 0802 for wives, 1639 then will be taken 5159 their inheritance 5159 from the inheritance of 0001 our forefathers, 3254 and will be added 0413 to 5157 the inheritance of 7626 the tribe 0834 which 1961 they will be 0000 to them 1486 so from the lot of 5159 our inheritance 1639 it will be taken.
36:4 [cbb5] 到了以色列人的禧年、这女儿的产业就必加在他们丈夫支派的产业上这样、我们祖宗支派的产业就减少了。
    [kjv] And when the jubile of the children of Israel shall be, then shall their inheritance be put unto the inheritance of the tribe whereunto they are received: so shall their inheritance be taken away from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers.
    [strongs] 0518 And when 1961 will come 3104 the Jubilee 1121 of the sons of 3478 Israel, 3254 then will be added 5159 their inheritance 0413 to 5159 the inheritance of 7626 the tribe 0834 which 1961 they will be 0000 to them 5159 so from inheritance of 7626 the tribe of 0001 our forefathers 3947 will be taken 5159 their inheritance.
36:5 [cbb5] 摩西照耶和华的话、吩咐以色列人说、约瑟支派的人说得有理。
    [kjv] And Moses commanded the children of Israel according to the word of the LORD, saying, The tribe of the sons of Joseph hath said well.
    [strongs] 6680 And directed 4872 Moses 1121 the sons of 3478 Israel 6310 by the mouth of 3068 Yahweh, 0559 saying, 3651 rightly 7626 The tribe of 1121 the sons of 3127 Joseph 1696 speaks.
36:6 [cbb5] 论到西罗非哈的众女儿、耶和华这样吩咐说他们可以随意嫁人、只是要嫁同宗支派的人。
    [kjv] This is the thing which the LORD doth command concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry to whom they think best; only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry.
    [strongs] 0000 This {is} 1697 the thing 0834 which 6680 has commanded 3068 Yahweh 1323 as to the daughters of 6765 Zelophehad, 0559 saying, 2896 To the good 5869 in their eyes 1961 let them be 0802 for wives. 0389 Only, 4940 to the family of 7626 the tribe of 0001 their father, 1961 let them be 0802 wives.
36:7 [cbb5] 这样、以色列人的产业就不从这支派归到那支派因为以色列人要各守各祖宗支派的产业。
    [kjv] So shall not the inheritance of the children of Israel remove from tribe to tribe: for every one of the children of Israel shall keep himself to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers.
    [strongs] 3808 So not 7725 will turn 5159 the inheritance 1121 of the sons of 3478 Israel 4294 from tribe 0413 to 7626 tribe, 0000 because 0376 each one 5159 to the inheritance of 7626 the tribe of 0001 his fathers 1692 will cling 1121 the sons of 3478 Israel.
36:8 [cbb5] 凡在以色列支派中得了产业的女子、必作同宗支派人的妻、好叫以色列人、各自承受他祖宗的产业。
    [kjv] And every daughter, that possesseth an inheritance in any tribe of the children of Israel, shall be wife unto one of the family of the tribe of her father, that the children of Israel may enjoy every man the inheritance of his fathers.
    [strongs] 3605 And any 1323 daughter 3423 owning 5159 an inheritance 4294 from any tribe of 1121 the sons of 3478 Israel 0259 to one 4940 of the family of 7626 the tribe of 0001 her father 1961 to become 0802 a wife, 0834 so that 3423 may possess 1121 the sons of 3478 Israel 0376 each 5157 the inheritance of 0001 his father.
36:9 [cbb5] 这样、他们的产业就不从这支派归到那支派、因为以色列支派的人、要各守各的产业。
    [kjv] Neither shall the inheritance remove from one tribe to another tribe; but every one of the tribes of the children of Israel shall keep himself to his own inheritance.
    [strongs] 3808 And not 7725 will turn 5159 the inheritance 4294 from {one} tribe 4294 to tribe 0312 another, 0376 because each one 5159 to his own inheritance 1692 will cling 7626 the tribes of 1121 the sons of 3478 Israel.
36:10 [cbb5] 耶和华怎样吩咐摩西、西罗非哈的众女儿就怎样行。
    [kjv] Even as the LORD commanded Moses, so did the daughters of Zelophehad:
    [strongs] 0834 Even as 6680 commanded 3068 Yahweh 4872 Moses, 3651 so 6213 did 1323 daughters 6765 Zelophehad's,
36:11 [cbb5] 西罗非哈的女儿玛拉、得撒、曷拉、密迦、挪阿都嫁了他们伯叔的儿子。
    [kjv] For Mahlah, Tirzah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Noah, the daughters of Zelophehad, were married unto their father's brothers' sons:
    [strongs] 1961 because were, 4244 Mahlah, 8656 Tirzah, 2295 and Hoglah 1323 and Milcah, 5146 and Noah 1323 daughters of 6765 Zelophehad 1121 to sons father's 0251 their brothers' 0802 for wives.
36:12 [cbb5] 他们嫁入约瑟儿子、玛拿西子孙的族中、他们的产业仍留在同宗支派中。
    [kjv] And they were married into the families of the sons of Manasseh the son of Joseph, and their inheritance remained in the tribe of the family of their father.
    [strongs] 4940 Into the families of 1121 the sons of 4519 Manasseh, 1121 the son of 3127 Joseph, 1961 they were 0802 for wives 1961 and was 5159 their inheritance 5921 with 7626 the tribe of 4940 the family of 0001 their father.
36:13 [cbb5] 这是耶和华在摩押平原、约但河边、耶利哥对面、藉着摩西所吩咐以色列人的命令、典章。
    [kjv] These are the commandments and the judgments, which the LORD commanded by the hand of Moses unto the children of Israel in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho.
    [strongs] 0428 These {are} 4678 the commands 4941 and the judgments 0834 which 6680 commanded 3068 Yahweh 3027 through the hand of 4872 Moses 1121 to the sons of 3478 Israel, 6160 on the Plains of 4124 Moab, 5921 beside 3383 the Jordan {River}, 3405 {near} Jericho.