约书亚记 Joshua 16
16:1 [cbb5] 约瑟的子孙拈阄所得之地、是从靠近耶利哥的约但河起、以耶利哥东边的水为界从耶利哥上去、通过山地的旷野、到伯特利
    [kjv] And the lot of the children of Joseph fell from Jordan by Jericho, unto the water of Jericho on the east, to the wilderness that goeth up from Jericho throughout mount Bethel,
    [strongs] 5927 And went out 1486 the lot 1121 of the sons of 3127 Joseph 3383 from the Jordan {River}, 3405 {beside} Jericho, 4325 to the waters of 3405 Jericho 6924 eastward, 4057 to the desert 5927 which went 3405 from Jericho 2022 to the hills of 1008 Bethel.
16:2 [cbb5] 又从伯特利到路斯、接连到亚基人的境界、至亚他绿、
    [kjv] And goeth out from Bethel to Luz, and passeth along unto the borders of Archi to Ataroth,
    [strongs] 3381 And it went 1008 from Bethel 3870 to Luz, 5674 and passed on 1366 to the border of 0757 the Archites 5852 to Ataroth;
16:3 [cbb5] 又往西下到押利提人的境界、到下伯和仑的境界、直到基色、通到海为止
    [kjv] And goeth down westward to the coast of Japhleti, unto the coast of Bethhoron the nether, and to Gezer; and the goings out thereof are at the sea.
    [strongs] 5381 and went down 3220 westward 0413 to 1366 the border of 3311 the Japhletites, 0413 to 1366 the border of 1032 Beth-Horon 8418 the lower, 0000 and to 1507 Gezer, 1961 and was 8444 its boundary 3220 at the sea.
16:4 [cbb5] 约瑟的儿子玛拿西、以法莲、就得了他们的地业。
    [kjv] So the children of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim, took their inheritance.
    [strongs] 5157 And inherited, 1121 the sons of 3127 Joseph, 4519 Manasseh 0669 and Ephraim.
16:5 [cbb5] 以法莲子孙的境界、按着宗族所得的、记在下面他们地业的东界、是亚他绿亚达、到上伯和仑
    [kjv] And the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families was thus: even the border of their inheritance on the east side was Atarothaddar, unto Bethhoron the upper;
    [strongs] 1961 And was 1366 the border of 1121 the sons of 0669 Ephraim 4940 by their families: 1961 - 1366 The border of 5159 their inheritance 6924 on the east 5854 Araroth-Addar 1032 to Beth-Horon 5945 the upper;
16:6 [cbb5] 往西通到北边的密米他、又向东绕到他纳示罗、又接连到雅挪哈的东边、
    [kjv] And the border went out toward the sea to Michmethah on the north side; and the border went about eastward unto Taanathshiloh, and passed by it on the east to Janohah;
    [strongs] 5927 and went out 1366 the border 3220 at the sea 4366 to Michmathah 6828 on the north, 5437 and went around 1366 the border 4217 eastward {to} 8387 Taanath-Shiloh 5474 and went by 0000 it 6924 eastward 3239 to Janohah,
16:7 [cbb5] 从雅挪哈下到亚他绿、又到拿拉、达到耶利哥、通到约但河为止
    [kjv] And it went down from Janohah to Ataroth, and to Naarath, and came to Jericho, and went out at Jordan.
    [strongs] 1980 and went 3239 from Janohah 5852 to Ataroth, 5292 and to Naarath, 6293 and it touched 3405 on Jericho, 5927 and went out 3383 at the Jordan {River}.
16:8 [cbb5] 从他普亚往西、到加拿河、直通到海为止这就是以法莲支派按着宗族所得的地业。
    [kjv] The border went out from Tappuah westward unto the river Kanah; and the goings out thereof were at the sea. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Ephraim by their families.
    [strongs] 8599 From Tappuah 1980 went 1366 the border 3220 westward to the 5158 torrent 7071 Kanah, 1961 and was 8444 its boundary 3220 at the sea. 0000 This {is} 5157 the inheritance of 7626 the tribe of 1121 the sons of 0669 Ephraim, 4940 by their families.
16:9 [cbb5] 另外在玛拿西人地业中、得了些城邑、和属城的村庄这都是分给以法莲子孙的
    [kjv] And the separate cities for the children of Ephraim were among the inheritance of the children of Manasseh, all the cities with their villages.
    [strongs] 5892 And the towns 2669 separate 1121 of the sons of 0669 Ephraim {were} 8432 in the middle of 5157 the inheritance of 1121 the sons of 4519 Manasseh, 3605 all 5892 the towns 2691 and their villages.
16:10 [cbb5] 他们没有赶出住基色的迦南人、迦南人、却住在以法莲人中间、成为作苦工的仆人、直到今日。
    [kjv] And they drave not out the Canaanites that dwelt in Gezer: but the Canaanites dwell among the Ephraimites unto this day, and serve under tribute.
    [strongs] 3808 And not 3423 they did expel 3669 the Canaanite 3427 who lived 1507 in Gezer. 3427 So lives 3669 the Canaanite 8432 in the middle of 0669 Ephraim 5704 to 3117 day 2088 this 1961 and is 4522 a forced labor 5647 slave.