哈巴谷书 Habakkuk 2
2:1 [cbb5] 我要站在守望所、立在望楼上观看、看耶和华对我说甚麽话、我可用甚麽话向他诉冤。”向他诉冤或作回答所疑问的〔
    [kjv] I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
    [strongs] 5921 On 4931 my guard 5975 I will stand, 3321 and set myself 0000 on 4692 the bulwark 8164 and watch 7200 to see 0000 what 0559 He will say 0000 against me, 0000 and what 7725 I will return 5921 upon 8433 my rebuke.
2:2 [cbb5] 他对我说、将这默示明明的写在版上、使读的人容易读。”或作随跑随读〔
    [kjv] And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
    [strongs] 6030 And answered me 3068 Yahweh 0559 and said, 3789 Write 4759 the vision, 0874 and engrave {it} 0000 on 3871 the tablets, 0000 so that 7323 he may run 7121 who is reading 1961 it,
2:3 [cbb5] 因为这默示有一定的日期、快要应验、并不虚谎虽然迟延、还要等候因为必然临到、不再迟延。
    [kjv] For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
    [strongs] 3588 because 5750 still 2377 the vision {is} 4150 for the set time, 6315 but it pants 5331 to the end, 3808 and not 3576 does lie. 0000 Though 4102 it delays, 3427 wait 0000 for it. 1342 For surely 0935 it will come 3808 not 0309 it will tarry.
2:4 [cbb5] 迦勒底人自高自大、心不正直惟义人因信得生。
    [kjv] Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.
    [strongs] 2009 Look, 6075 is puffed up, 3808 not 3474 is upright, 5315 his soul 0982 in him, 6662 but the just {person} 0530 by his faith 2421 will live.
2:5 [cbb5] 迦勒底人因酒诡诈、狂傲、不住在家中、扩充心欲好像阴间他如死不能知足、聚集万国、堆积万民、都归自己。
    [kjv] Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people:
    [strongs] 1571 And also 3588 indeed 3196 the wine 0898 betrays 1397 a man 1347 proud, 3808 and not 5115 he is content. 0000 Who 7337 widens 7585 like Sheol 5315 his soul, 0000 and he {is} 4194 like death, 3808 and not 7646 is satisfied, 0622 but gathers 0000 to himself 3605 all 1471 the nations, 6908 and collects 0000 to himself 3605 all 5971 the peoples.
2:6 [cbb5] 这些国的民、岂不都要题起诗歌、并俗语、讥刺他、说、祸哉迦勒底人、你增添不属自己的财物、多多取人的当头、要到几时为止呢。
    [kjv] Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay!
    [strongs] 3808 Will not 0000 these, 3605 all of them, 0000 against him 4912 a parable 5375 lift up, 4426 and a mocking 2330 riddle 0000 to him, 0559 and say, 1945 Alas {for} 7235 the one increasing 3808 {what is} not 0000 to him! 5704 Until 0000 when {is} 3513 even he loading 5921 upon himself 5671 the pledges?
2:7 [cbb5] 咬伤你的岂不忽然起来、扰害你的岂不兴起、你就作他们的掳物麽。
    [kjv] Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them?
    [strongs] 3808 Will not 6597 suddenly 6965 rise up 5391 those who strike you 3364 and be aroused 2111 those who shake you, 0061 and you become 0957 a prize 0000 to him?
2:8 [cbb5] 因你抢夺许多的国、杀人流血、向国内的城、并城中一切居民施行强暴、所以各国剩下的民都必抢夺你。
    [kjv] Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.
    [strongs] 0000 Because 0000 you 7997 have plundered 1471 nations 7227 many, 7997 will plunder you 3605 all 3499 the rest of 5971 the peoples, 1818 from the blood of 0120 man, 2555 and the violence of 0776 the land 5892 and the city 3605 and all 3427 those living 0000 in it.
2:9 [cbb5] 为本家积蓄不义之财、在高处搭窝、指望免灾的有祸了。
    [kjv] Woe to him that coveteth an evil covetousness to his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evil!
    [strongs] 1945 Alas {for} 1214 him robbing 1215 the booty of 7451 evil 1004 for his house, 7760 to set 2022 in the height 7064 his nest, 5337 to be delivered 3709 from the hand of 7451 evil!
2:10 [cbb5] 你图谋剪除多国的民、犯了罪、使你的家蒙羞、自害己命。
    [kjv] Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people, and hast sinned against thy soul.
    [strongs] 1322 You have counseled 3289 shame 1004 for your house 2856 to make an end of 3816 peoples 7227 many, 2398 and are sinning 5315 {in} your soul.
2:11 [cbb5] 墙里的石头必呼叫、房内的栋梁必应声。
    [kjv] For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it.
    [strongs] 3588 For 0068 the stone 7023 from the wall 2199 will cry out, 6982 and the beam 6086 from the wood 6030 will answer it.
2:12 [cbb5] 以人血建城、以罪孽立邑的有祸了。
    [kjv] Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!
    [strongs] 1945 Alas {for} 1129 him building 5892 a town 1818 with blood, 3559 and establishing 5892 a city 5766 by iniquity!
2:13 [cbb5] 众民所劳碌得来的、被火焚烧、列国由劳乏而得的、归於虚空、不都是出於万军之耶和华麽。
    [kjv] Behold, is it not of the LORD of hosts that the people shall labour in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity?
    [strongs] 3808 Is it not, 2009 listen, 0000 from 3068 Yahweh of 6635 armies, 3021 that toil 3816 peoples 1767 only for 0784 fire. 1471 And nations 1767 only for 7385 emptiness 3286 grow weary.
2:14 [cbb5] 认识耶和华荣耀的知识、要充满遍地、好像水充满洋海一般。
    [kjv] For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
    [strongs] 3588 For 4390 will be filled 0776 the earth 3045 with the knowledge of 3519 the glory of 3068 Yahweh, 4325 as the waters 3680 cover 3220 over the oceans.
2:15 [cbb5] 给人酒喝、又加上毒物、使他喝醉、好看见他下体的、有祸了。
    [kjv] Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!
    [strongs] 1945 Alas {for} 8248 him causing to drink 7451 his friend, 5595 pouring out 2573 your wineskin, 1571 and also 7937 making drunk 0000 in order to 5027 look 5921 upon 4589 their nakedness!
2:16 [cbb5] 你满受羞辱、不得荣耀你也喝罢、显出是未受割礼的耶和华右手的杯、必传到你那里、你的荣耀、就变为大大地羞辱。
    [kjv] Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of the LORD's right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spewing shall be on thy glory.
    [strongs] 7646 You are satiated 7036 {with} shame 3519 from glory. 8354 Drink 1571 also 0000 you 6188 and be seen uncircumcised! 5437 Will turn 0000 upon you 3563 the cup of 3221 the right hand of 3068 Yahweh, 5007 disgrace 0000 on 8897 your glory.
2:17 [cbb5] 你向利巴嫩行强暴、与残害惊吓野兽的事、必遮盖你因你杀人流血、向国内的城、并城中一切居民施行强暴。
    [kjv] For the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee, and the spoil of beasts, which made them afraid, because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.
    [strongs] 2555 For the violence of 3844 Lebanon 3680 will cover you, 7701 and the ruin 0929 animals 1864 will terrify them 1818 from the blood of 0120 man, 2555 and the violence of 0776 the land, 5892 the city, 3605 and all 3427 those living 0000 in it.
2:18 [cbb5] 雕刻的偶像、人将他刻出来、有甚麽益处呢铸造的偶像、就是虚谎的师傅制造者倚靠这哑巴偶像、有甚麽益处呢
    [kjv] What profiteth the graven image that the maker thereof hath graven it; the molten image, and a teacher of lies, that the maker of his work trusteth therein, to make dumb idols?
    [strongs] 0000 What 3276 does profit 6755 an image? 3588 Because 6458 has carved it 3336 its maker! 4541 {It is only} a casted image 3384 and an instructor of 8267 falsehood! 0982 For trusts 3335 the maker 3335 his work 5921 upon it 0068 to a stone 2790 silent! 1961 It
2:19 [cbb5] 对木偶说、醒起、对哑吧石像说、起来、那人有祸了这个还能教训人麽看哪、是包裹金银的、其中毫无气息。
    [kjv] Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise, it shall teach! Behold, it is laid over with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in the midst of it.
    [strongs] 3384 will instruct! 2009 Listen, 1961 it 8610 is overlaid 2091 {with} gold 3701 and silver, 3605 and any 5397 breath 0369 not is 7130 in its middle.
2:20 [cbb5] 惟耶和华在他的圣殿中全地的人、都当在他面前肃敬静默。
    [kjv] But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.
    [strongs] 3068 But Yahweh 1964 {is} in the temple of 6944 His holiness. 2790 Be silent 6440 in the presence of Him, 3605 all 0776 the earth!