申命记 Deuteronomy 20
20:1 [cbb5] 你出去与仇敌争战的时候、看见马匹、车辆、并有比你多的人民、不要怕他们、因为领你出埃及地的耶和华你神与你同在。
    [kjv] When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
    [strongs] 3318 When you go out 4421 to battle 5921 against 0341 your enemies, 7200 and see 5483 horses 7393 and chariots, 5971 people 7227 more 0000 than you, 3808 not 3372 you must be afraid of 0000 them, 3068 because Yahweh, 0430 your God, 0000 {is} with you, 5927 who brought you up 0776 out of the land of 4714 Egypt.
20:2 [cbb5] 你们将要上阵的时候、祭司要到百姓面前宣告、
    [kjv] And it shall be, when ye are come nigh unto the battle, that the priest shall approach and speak unto the people,
    [strongs] 1961 And it will be, 7126 when you draw near 0413 to 4421 the battle, 5066 that will come 3548 the priest 1696 and speak 0413 to 5971 the people.
20:3 [cbb5] 说、以色列人哪、你们当听、你们今日将要与仇敌争战、不要胆怯、不要惧怕战兢、也不要因他们惊恐
    [kjv] And shall say unto them, Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them;
    [strongs] 0559 And say 0000 to them, 8085 Hear, 3478 O Israel, 0000 you 7131 are coming close 3117 today 4421 to battle 0413 against 0341 your enemies. 0408 not 7401 Let be faint 3824 your heart. 0408 not 3372 Do fear 0408 nor 2648 tremble, 0408 and not 6206 do be terrified 6440 at their presence,
20:4 [cbb5] 因为耶和华你们的神与你们同去、要为你们与仇敌争战、拯救你们。
    [kjv] For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.
    [strongs] 3068 because Yahweh, 0430 your God, 1980 {is} He who {is} going 0000 with you 3898 to fight 0000 for you 0000 with 0341 your enemies, 7462 to save 0000 you.
20:5 [cbb5] 官长也要对百姓宣告说、谁建造房屋、尚未奉献、他可以回家去、恐怕他阵亡、别人去奉献。
    [kjv] And the officers shall speak unto the people, saying, What man is there that hath built a new house, and hath not dedicated it? let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man dedicate it.
    [strongs] 1696 And must speak 7860 the officers 0413 to 5971 the people 0559 saying, 4310 Who {is} 0376 the man 0000 who 1127 has built 1004 a house 2319 new 3808 and not 2596 dedicated it? 3240 Let him go 7725 and return 1004 to his house, 6435 lest 4191 he die 4421 in battle, 0376 and man 0312 another 2596 dedicates it.
20:6 [cbb5] 谁种葡萄园、尚未用所结的果子、他可以回家去、恐怕他阵亡、别人去用。
    [kjv] And what man is he that hath planted a vineyard, and hath not yet eaten of it? let him also go and return unto his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man eat of it.
    [strongs] 4310 And who {is} 0376 the man 0000 who 5193 has planted 3754 a vineyard 3808 and not 2490 used its fruit? 3240 Let him go 7725 and return 1004 to his house, 6435 lest 4191 he die 4421 in battle 0376 and man 0312 another 2490 uses its fruit?
20:7 [cbb5] 谁聘定了妻、尚未迎娶、他可以回家去、恐怕他阵亡、别人去娶。
    [kjv] And what man is there that hath betrothed a wife, and hath not taken her? let him go and return unto his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man take her.
    [strongs] 4310 And who {is} 0376 the man 0000 who 0781 has betrothed 0802 a woman, 3808 and not 3947 has taken her? 3240 Let him go 7725 and return 1004 to his house, 4191 lest he die 4421 in battle, 0376 and man 0312 another 3947 takes her.
20:8 [cbb5] 官长又要对百姓宣告说、谁惧怕胆怯、他可以回家去、恐怕他弟兄的心消化、和他一样。
    [kjv] And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren's heart faint as well as his heart.
    [strongs] 3251 And must further 7860 the officers 1696 speak 0413 to 5971 the people 0559 and say, 4310 Who {is} 0376 the man 3373 who is afraid 7390 and faint of 3820 heart? 3240 Let him go 7725 and return 1004 to his house! 3808 Then not 4549 will melt 3820 the heart of 0251 his brothers 3824 as his heart {does}.
20:9 [cbb5] 官长对百姓宣告完了、就当派军长率领他们。
    [kjv] And it shall be, when the officers have made an end of speaking unto the people that they shall make captains of the armies to lead the people.
    [strongs] 1961 And it will be, 3615 when have finished, 7860 the officers 1696 speaking 0413 to 5971 the people 6485 that will be chosen 7860 the chiefs of 6635 the armies 7218 at the head of 5971 the people.
20:10 [cbb5] 你临近一座城要攻打的时候、先要对城里的民宣告和睦的话。
    [kjv] When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it.
    [strongs] 3588 When 7126 you come near 0413 to 5892 a town 3898 to fight 5921 against it, 7121 then call 0000 to it 7965 for peace.
20:11 [cbb5] 他们若以和睦的话回答你、给你开了城、城里所有的人都要给你效劳、服事你。
    [kjv] And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee.
    [strongs] 1961 And it will be, 0000 if {there is} 7965 peace 6030 it answers to you, 6605 and will open 0000 to you. 1961 Then it will be 3605 all 5971 the people 4672 who are found 0000 in it 1961 will be 0000 for you 4522 a laborer, 5647 and will serve you.
20:12 [cbb5] 若不肯与你和好、反要与你打仗、你就要围困那城。
    [kjv] And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it:
    [strongs] 0518 But if 3808 not 7999 it will make peace 0000 with you, 6213 and will make 0000 with you 4421 war, 6696 then you will besiege 0000 it.
20:13 [cbb5] 耶和华你的神、把城交付你手、你就要用刀杀尽这城的男丁。
    [kjv] And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword:
    [strongs] 5414 And will give it 3068 Yahweh, 0430 your God, 3027 into your hand. 5221 And you will strike down 3605 every 2138 male of it 6310 by the edge of 2719 the sword.
20:14 [cbb5] 惟有妇女、孩子、牲畜、和城内一切的财物、你可以取为自己的掠物、耶和华你神把你仇敌的财物赐给你、你可以吃用。
    [kjv] But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the LORD thy God hath given thee.
    [strongs] 7535 Only, 0802 the women, 3266 and the children, 0929 and the cattle, 3605 and all 0000 that 1961 is 5892 in the town, 3605 all 7998 its plunder 0962 you will seize 0000 for yourself. 0398 And you will eat 7998 the plunder of 0341 your enemies, 0834 which 5414 has given 3068 Yahweh, 0430 your God, 0000 to you.
20:15 [cbb5] 离你甚远的各城、不是这些国民的城、你都要这样待他。
    [kjv] Thus shalt thou do unto all the cities which are very far off from thee, which are not of the cities of these nations.
    [strongs] 3651 So 6213 you will do 3605 to all 5892 the towns 7350 which are far away 0000 from you 3966 very, 0834 which 3808 not 5892 of the towns of 1471 nations 0428 these 9999 {are}.
20:16 [cbb5] 但这些国民的城、耶和华你神既赐你为业、其中凡有气息的、一个不可存留、
    [kjv] But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth:
    [strongs] 0000 But 5892 of the towns of 3816 peoples 0428 these 0834 which 3068 Yahweh, 0430 your God, 5414 is giving 0000 to you 5159 {as} an inheritance, 3808 not 2421 you must keep alive 1697 anything 5397 that breathes.
20:17 [cbb5] 只要照耶和华你神所吩咐的、将这赫人、亚摩利人、迦南人、比利洗人、希未人、耶布斯人、都灭绝净尽
    [kjv] But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee:
    [strongs] 2763 But utterly 2763 you must destroy them 2850 the Hittites, 0567 and the Amorites, 3664 the Canaanites, 6522 and the Perizzites, 2340 the Hivites 2983 and the Jebusites, 6680 as has commanded you, 3068 Yahweh, 0430 your God,
20:18 [cbb5] 免得他们教导你们学习一切可憎恶的事、就是他们向自己神所行的、以致你们得罪耶和华你们的神。
    [kjv] That they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LORD your God.
    [strongs] 0834 so that 3808 not 3925 they may teach 0000 you 6213 to do 3605 according to all 8441 their filthy deeds 0834 which 6213 they have done 0000 for 4130 their gods, 2398 and you would sin 3068 against Yahweh, 0430 your God.
20:19 [cbb5] 你若许久围困攻打所要取的一座城、就不可举斧子砍坏树木、因为你可以吃那树上的果子、不可砍伐田间的树木岂是人、叫你糟蹋麽。
    [kjv] When thou shalt besiege a city a long time, in making war against it to take it, thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof by forcing an axe against them: for thou mayest eat of them, and thou shalt not cut them down (for the tree of the field is man's life) to employ them in the siege:
    [strongs] 6696 When you will besiege 5892 a town 3117 {for} days 7227 many, 3898 to fight 5921 against it, 8610 to capture it. 3808 not 2763 You must destroy 6086 its trees, 5080 in order to thrust 5921 against them 1631 an ax, 0000 because 0000 of them 0398 you will eat, 6651 and them 3808 not 3772 you must cut down, 0000 because 0120 man's {life is} 6086 the tree of 7704 the field, 0935 so that it may go 6440 in front of you 4692 to besiege.
20:20 [cbb5] 惟独你所知道不是结果子的树木、可以毁坏砍伐、用以修筑营垒、攻击那与你打仗的城、直到攻塌了。
    [kjv] Only the trees which thou knowest that they be not trees for meat, thou shalt destroy and cut them down; and thou shalt build bulwarks against the city that maketh war with thee, until it be subdued.
    [strongs] 7535 Only, 6086 the tree 0834 which 3045 you know 0000 that 6086 not a tree of 3988 food 1931 it {is}, 0000 it 7843 you may destroy 3772 and cut down, 1129 and may build 4092 a bulwark 0413 against 5892 the town 0834 which 6213 is making 0000 with you 4421 war, 5704 until 3381 you have subdued it.