历代志下 2 Chronicles 26
26:1 [cbb5] 犹大众民立亚玛谢的儿子乌西雅”又名亚撒利雅〔接续他父作王那时他年十六岁。
    [kjv] Then all the people of Judah took Uzziah, who was sixteen years old, and made him king in the room of his father Amaziah.
    [strongs] 3947 And took 3605 all 5971 the people of 3063 Judah 5818 Uzziah. 1931 And he {was} 1121 a son of 8337 six- 6240 teen 8141 years, 4427 and made king 0000 him 8478 instead of 0001 his father 0558 Amaziah.
26:2 [cbb5] 亚玛谢与他列祖同睡之后、乌西雅收回以禄仍归犹大、又重新修理。
    [kjv] He built Eloth, and restored it to Judah, after that the king slept with his fathers.
    [strongs] 1931 He 1129 built 0359 Eloth, 7725 and restored it 3063 to Judah, 0310 after 7901 lay 4428 the king 5973 with 0001 his forefathers.
26:3 [cbb5] 乌西雅登基的时候、年十六岁、在耶路撒冷作王五十二年他母亲名叫耶可利雅、是耶路撒冷人。
    [kjv] Sixteen years old was Uzziah when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty and two years in Jerusalem. His mother's name also was Jecoliah of Jerusalem.
    [strongs] 1121 A son of 8337 six- 6240 teen 8141 years 5818 Uzziah {was} 4428 when he became king, 2572 and fifty 8147 and two 8141 years 4427 he ruled 3389 in Jerusalem. 8034 And the name of 0517 his mother 9999 {was} 3202 Jecoliah 3389 of Jerusalem.
26:4 [cbb5] 乌西雅行耶和华眼中看为正的事、效法他父亚玛谢一切所行的。
    [kjv] And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father Amaziah did.
    [strongs] 6213 And he did 2477 the right 5869 in the eyes of 3068 Yahweh, 3605 by all 0834 that 6213 did 0558 Amaziah 0001 his father.
26:5 [cbb5] 通晓神默示撒迦利亚在世的时候、乌西雅定意寻求神、他寻求、耶和华、神就使他亨通。
    [kjv] And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper.
    [strongs] 1961 And he 1245 sought 0430 God 3117 in the days of 2148 Zechariah, 0995 who had understanding 2378 in the visions of 0430 God. 7200 And in the days 1245 he sought 3068 Yahweh, 6743 made him prosper 0430 God.
26:6 [cbb5] 他出去攻击非利士人、拆毁了迦特城、雅比尼城、和亚实突城在非利士人中、在亚实突境内、又建筑了些城。
    [kjv] And he went forth and warred against the Philistines, and brake down the wall of Gath, and the wall of Jabneh, and the wall of Ashdod, and built cities about Ashdod, and among the Philistines.
    [strongs] 3318 And he went out 3898 and fought 6430 with the Philistines, 5422 and broke down 2346 the wall of 1661 Gath, 0000 and 2346 the wall of 2996 Jabneh, 0000 and 2346 the wall of 0795 Ashdod, 1129 and built 5892 cities 0795 around Ashdod, 6430 and among the Philistines.
26:7 [cbb5] 神帮助他攻击非利士人、和住在姑珥巴力的亚拉伯人、并米乌尼人。
    [kjv] And God helped him against the Philistines, and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gurbaal, and the Mehunims.
    [strongs] 5826 And helped him 0430 God 0413 against 6430 the Philistines, 0413 and against 6163 the Arabians 3427 who lived 1485 in Gur- 1168 baal, 4583 and the Meunites.
26:8 [cbb5] 亚扪人给乌西雅进贡他的名声传到埃及、因他甚是强盛。
    [kjv] And the Ammonites gave gifts to Uzziah: and his name spread abroad even to the entering in of Egypt; for he strengthened himself exceedingly.
    [strongs] 5414 And gave 5983 the Ammonites 4503 tribute 5818 to Uzziah. 1980 And went 8034 his name 5704 to 6607 the entrance of 4714 Egypt. 3588 For 2388 he became strong 3966 exceedingly.
26:9 [cbb5] 乌西雅在耶路撒冷的角门和谷门、并城墙转弯之处、建筑城楼、且甚坚固。
    [kjv] Moreover Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the corner gate, and at the valley gate, and at the turning of the wall, and fortified them.
    [strongs] 1129 And built 5818 Uzziah 4026 towers 3389 in Jerusalem 5921 at 8179 the Gate 6438 Corner, 5921 and at 8179 Gate 1516 the Valley, 5921 and at 4740 the Angle 2388 and fortified them.
26:10 [cbb5] 又在旷野与高原和平原、建筑望楼、挖了许多井、因他的牲畜甚多又在山地和佳美之地、有农夫和修理葡萄园的人、因为他喜悦农事。
    [kjv] Also he built towers in the desert, and digged many wells: for he had much cattle, both in the low country, and in the plains: husbandmen also, and vine dressers in the mountains, and in Carmel: for he loved husbandry.
    [strongs] 1129 And he built 4026 towers 4057 in the desert, 2658 and dug 0935 wells 7227 many 3588 for 4735 cattle 7230 many 1961 there was 0000 to him 8219 both in the lowland 4334 and in the plain, 0406 farmers 3755 and vinedressers 2022 in the mountains 3759 and in Carmel. 3588 For 0157 a lover of 0776 the earth 1961 he was.
26:11 [cbb5] 乌西雅又有军兵、照书记耶利和官长玛西雅所数点的、在王的一个将军哈拿尼雅手下、分队出战。
    [kjv] Moreover Uzziah had an host of fighting men, that went out to war by bands, according to the number of their account by the hand of Jeiel the scribe and Maaseiah the ruler, under the hand of Hananiah, one of the king's captains.
    [strongs] 1961 And was 5818 to Uzziah 2428 an army 6213 making 4421 war, 3318 going out to 4421 battle 1416 by troops, 4557 by the number of 6486 their muster, 3027 by the hand of 3273 Jeiel 5608 the scribe, 4641 and Maaseiah 7860 the officer 8478 under 3027 the hand of 2608 Hananiah, 8269 of the officials 4428 king's.
26:12 [cbb5] 族长大能勇士的总数共有二千六百人、
    [kjv] The whole number of the chief of the fathers of the mighty men of valour were two thousand and six hundred.
    [strongs] 3605 The whole 4557 number of 7218 the heads of 0001 the fathers of 1368 the strong men of 2428 valor {was} 0505 two thousand 8337 and six 3963 hundred.
26:13 [cbb5] 他们手下的军兵、共有三十万七千五百人、都有大能、善於争战、帮助王攻击仇敌。
    [kjv] And under their hand was an army, three hundred thousand and seven thousand and five hundred, that made war with mighty power, to help the king against the enemy.
    [strongs] 8478 And under 3027 their hand 9999 {was} 6099 powerful 6635 a army, 7967 three 3963 hundred 0505 thousand, 7651 and seven 0505 thousand 2568 and five 3963 hundred, 6213 that made 4421 war 3581 with power 2428 strong 5826 to help 4428 the king 0413 against 0341 the enemy.
26:14 [cbb5] 乌西雅为全军豫备盾牌、枪、盔、甲、弓、和甩石的机弦。
    [kjv] And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields, and spears, and helmets, and habergeons, and bows, and slings to cast stones.
    [strongs] 3559 And made 0000 for them 5818 Uzziah 3605 for all 6635 the army 4043 shields 7420 and spears 3553 and helmets, 8302 and scale-armor, 3766 and bows, 0068 and stones for 7050 {the} slings.
26:15 [cbb5] 又在耶路撒冷使巧匠作机器、安在城楼和角楼上、用以射箭发石乌西雅的名声传到远方、因为他得了非常的帮助、甚是强盛。
    [kjv] And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvellously helped, till he was strong.
    [strongs] 6213 And he made 3389 in Jerusalem 2810 engines 4184 the inventions of 2803 skillful men 1961 to be 5921 on 4026 the towers 5921 and on 6438 the corners, 3384 to shoot with 2671 arrows 0068 and stones 1419 great. 3318 And went out 8034 his name 5704 to 7350 a distance. 6381 For he was wonderfully 5826 helped 5704 until 3588 - 2388 he was strong.
26:16 [cbb5] 他既强盛、就心高气傲、以致行事邪僻、干犯耶和华他的神、进耶和华的殿、要在香坛上烧香。
    [kjv] But when he was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction: for he transgressed against the LORD his God, and went into the temple of the LORD to burn incense upon the altar of incense.
    [strongs] 2388 And when he became strong, 1361 was lifted up 3820 his heart 5704 to the point of 7843 acting corruptly, 4603 and he was sly 3068 against Yahweh 0430 his God, 0935 and went in 0413 to 1964 the temple of 3068 Yahweh 6999 to burn incense 5921 on 4196 the altar of 6999 incense.
26:17 [cbb5] 祭司亚撒利雅率领耶和华勇敢的祭司八十人、跟随他进去。
    [kjv] And Azariah the priest went in after him, and with him fourscore priests of the LORD, that were valiant men:
    [strongs] 0935 And went in 0310 after him 5838 Azariah 3548 the priest 0000 and with him 3548 priest 3068 of Yahweh 8084 eighty 1121 sons of 2428 valor.
26:18 [cbb5] 他们就阻挡乌西雅王、对他说、乌西雅阿、给耶和华烧香不是你的事、乃是亚伦子孙承接圣职祭司的事你出圣殿罢、因为你犯了罪你行这事耶和华神必不使你得荣耀。
    [kjv] And they withstood Uzziah the king, and said unto him, It appertaineth not unto thee, Uzziah, to burn incense unto the LORD, but to the priests the sons of Aaron, that are consecrated to burn incense: go out of the sanctuary; for thou hast trespassed; neither shall it be for thine honour from the LORD God.
    [strongs] 5975 And they stood up 0413 against 5818 Uzziah 4428 the king, 0559 and said 0000 to him, 3808 {It is} not 0000 for you 5818 O Uzziah, 6999 to burnt incense 3068 to Yahweh, 3588 but 3548 for the priests, 1121 the sons of 0175 Aaron, 6942 who are consecrated 6999 to burn incense. 3318 Go out 4480 from 4720 the sanctuary 3588 for 4603 you have acted slyly 3808 and not 0000 to you 3519 for honor 3068 from Yahweh 0430 God.
26:19 [cbb5] 乌西雅就发怒、手拿香炉要烧香他向祭司发怒的时候、在耶和华殿中香坛旁众祭司面前、额上忽然发出大淋疯。
    [kjv] Then Uzziah was wroth, and had a censer in his hand to burn incense: and while he was wroth with the priests, the leprosy even rose up in his forehead before the priests in the house of the LORD, from beside the incense altar.
    [strongs] 2734 And was angry 5818 Uzziah, 3027 and in his hand 4130 {was} a censer 6999 to burn incense. 2196 And as he was angry 0000 with 3548 the priests, 6883 the leprosy 2224 rose 4696 in his forehead, 6440 before 3548 the priests, 1004 in the house of 3068 Yahweh, 5921 beside 4196 the altar of 6999 incense.
26:20 [cbb5] 大祭司亚撒利雅和众祭司观看、见他额上发出大淋疯、就催他出殿、他自己也急速出去、因为耶和华降灾与他。
    [kjv] And Azariah the chief priest, and all the priests, looked upon him, and, behold, he was leprous in his forehead, and they thrust him out from thence; yea, himself hasted also to go out, because the LORD had smitten him.
    [strongs] 6437 And turned 0413 toward him 5838 Azariah 3548 the priest 7218 chief 3605 and all 3548 the priests, 2009 and look, 1931 he {was} 6879 leprous 4696 in his forehead. 7323 And they hurried him 8033 from there 1571 and also 1931 he 4116 himself hurried 5800 to leave, 5060 for touched him 3068 Yahweh.
26:21 [cbb5] 乌西雅王长大淋疯直到死日、因此住在别的宫里、与耶和华的殿隔绝他儿子约坦管理家事、治理国民。
    [kjv] And Uzziah the king was a leper unto the day of his death, and dwelt in a several house, being a leper; for he was cut off from the house of the LORD: and Jotham his son was over the king's house, judging the people of the land.
    [strongs] 1961 And was 5818 Uzziah 4428 the king 6879 a leper 3117 to the day of 4194 his death 3427 and lived 1004 {in} a house 2669 separate 6879 {as} a leper, 3588 for 1504 he was cut off 1004 from the house of 3068 Yahweh, 3147 and Jotham 1121 his son 9999 {was} 5921 over 1004 household 4428 the king's, 8199 judging 5971 the people of 0776 the land.
26:22 [cbb5] 乌西雅其馀的事、自始至终、都是亚摩斯的儿子先知以赛亚所记的。
    [kjv] Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, first and last, did Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, write.
    [strongs] 3499 And the rest of 1697 the acts of 5818 Uzziah, 0259 the first 0314 and the last, 3789 has written 3470 Isaiah 1121 the son of 0531 Amoz, 5030 the prophet.
26:23 [cbb5] 乌西雅与他列祖同睡、葬在王陵的田间他列祖的坟地里、因为人说、他是长大淋疯的他儿子约坦接续他作王。
    [kjv] So Uzziah slept with his fathers, and they buried him with his fathers in the field of the burial which belonged to the kings; for they said, He is a leper: and Jotham his son reigned in his stead.
    [strongs] 7901 And lay 5818 Uzziah 5973 with 0001 his forefathers, 6912 and they buried 0000 him 5973 with 0001 his forefathers 7740 in the field of 6900 the grave 0834 that {was} 4428 to the kings. 3588 For 0559 they said, 6879 a leper. 1931 He {is}. 4427 And ruled 3147 Jotham 1121 his son 8478 in his place.