撒母耳记上 1 Samuel 15
15:1 [cbb5] 撒母耳对扫罗说、耶和华差遣我膏你为王、治理他的百姓以色列所以你当听从耶和华的话。
    [kjv] Samuel also said unto Saul, The LORD sent me to anoint thee to be king over his people, over Israel: now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the LORD.
    [strongs] 0559 And said 8050 Samuel 0413 to 7586 Saul, 0853 me 7971 sent 3068 Yahweh 4886 to anoint you 4428 for king 0000 over 5971 His people, 0000 over 3478 Israel, 6258 and now 8085 listen 6963 to the voice of 1697 words 3068 Yahweh's.
15:2 [cbb5] 万军之耶和华如此说、以色列人出埃及的时候、在路上亚玛力人怎样待他们、怎样抵挡他们、我都没忘。
    [kjv] Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.
    [strongs] 3541 Thus 0559 says 3068 Yahweh of 6635 armies, 6485 I will visit 0000 with 0834 what 6213 he did 6007 Amalek 3478 to Israel 0834 because 7760 he set 0000 against him 1870 in the way 5927 when they came up 4714 from Egypt.
15:3 [cbb5] 现在你要去击打亚玛力人、灭尽他们所有的、不可怜惜他们、将男女、孩童、吃奶的、并牛、羊、骆驼、和驴尽行杀死。
    [kjv] Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
    [strongs] 6258 Now, 3212 go 5221 and strike 6002 Amalek 2763 and utterly destroy 3605 all 0834 that {is} 0000 to him, 3808 and not 2550 do have pity 5921 upon him. 4191 But kill 0376 from man 5704 to 0802 woman, 5768 from child 5704 even to 3243 suckling, 7794 from ox 5704 even to 7716 lamb, 1581 from camel 5704 even to 2543 donkey.
15:4 [cbb5] 於是扫罗招聚百姓在提拉因、数点他们、共有步兵二十万、另有犹大人一万。
    [kjv] And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah.
    [strongs] 8085 listened to 7586 Saul 7971 the people 6485 and mustered them 2923 in Telaim, 3967 two hundred 0505 thousand 7273 footmen 6235 and ten 0505 thousand 0376 men of 3063 Judah.
15:5 [cbb5] 扫罗到了亚玛力的京城、在谷中设下埋伏。
    [kjv] And Saul came to a city of Amalek, and laid wait in the valley.
    [strongs] 0935 And came 7586 Saul 5704 to 5892 the city of 6002 Amalek, 0693 and lay in wait 5158 in the valley.
15:6 [cbb5] 扫罗对基尼人说、你们离开亚玛力人下去罢、恐怕我将你们和亚玛力人一同杀灭因为以色列人出埃及的时候、你们曾恩待他们於是基尼人离开亚玛力人去了。
    [kjv] And Saul said unto the Kenites, Go, depart, get you down from among the Amalekites, lest I destroy you with them: for ye shewed kindness to all the children of Israel, when they came up out of Egypt. So the Kenites departed from among the Amalekites.
    [strongs] 0559 And said 7586 Saul 0413 to 7017 the Kenites, 1980 Go, 5493 depart, 3381 go down 8432 from the midst of 6002 Amalek 6435 lest 0622 take you away 5973 with them, 0859 for 6213 did 2617 kindness 0000 with 3605 all 1121 the sons of 3478 Israel 5927 when they came up 4714 from Egypt. 5493 So departed 7017 {the} Kenites 8432 from among 6002 Amalek.
15:7 [cbb5] 扫罗击打亚玛力人、从哈腓拉、直到埃及前的书珥。
    [kjv] And Saul smote the Amalekites from Havilah until thou comest to Shur, that is over against Egypt.
    [strongs] 5221 And struck 7586 Saul 6002 Amalek 2341 from Havilah 0935 {as} you go to 7783 Shur 0834 which {is} 5921 - 6440 before 4714 Egypt.
15:8 [cbb5] 生擒了亚玛力王亚甲、用刀杀尽亚玛力的众民。
    [kjv] And he took Agag the king of the Amalekites alive, and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword.
    [strongs] 8610 And he captured 0090 Agag 4428 the king of 6002 Amalek 2416 alive, 0853 but 3605 all 5971 the people 2763 he exterminated 6310 with edge of 2719 {the} sword.
15:9 [cbb5] 扫罗和百姓却怜惜亚甲、也爱惜上好的牛、羊、牛犊、羊羔、并一切美物、不肯灭绝凡下贱瘦弱的、尽都杀了。
    [kjv] But Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the sheep, and of the oxen, and of the fatlings, and the lambs, and all that was good, and would not utterly destroy them: but every thing that was vile and refuse, that they destroyed utterly.
    [strongs] 2550 But spared 7586 Saul 5971 and the people 5921 - 0090 Agag 5921 and 4315 from the best of 6629 the flock, 1241 and the herd 4932 and the seconds 5921 and 3733 the rams, 5921 and 3605 all 2876 that good 3808 and not 0014 were willing 2763 to exterminate them 3605 but every 4399 thing 5240 despised 4549 and worthless, 0853 it 2763 they exterminated.
15:10 [cbb5] 耶和华的话临到撒母耳说、
    [kjv] Then came the word of the LORD unto Samuel, saying,
    [strongs] 1961 And came 1697 the word of 3068 Yahweh 0413 to 8050 Samuel 0559 saying,
15:11 [cbb5] 我立扫罗为王、我后悔了因为他转去不跟从我、不遵守我的命令撒母耳便甚忧愁、终夜哀求耶和华。
    [kjv] It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king: for he is turned back from following me, and hath not performed my commandments. And it grieved Samuel; and he cried unto the LORD all night.
    [strongs] 5162 I repent 3588 that 4427 I made rule 7586 Saul 4428 as a king, 7725 for he has turned 0310 from following Me 0853 and 1697 My words 3808 not 6965 risen to do. 2734 And was angry 8050 Samuel 2199 and cried out 0413 to 3068 Yahweh 3605 all 3915 the night.
15:12 [cbb5] 撒母耳清早起来迎接扫罗有人告诉撒母耳说、扫罗到了迦密、在那里立了记念碑、又转身下到吉甲。
    [kjv] And when Samuel rose early to meet Saul in the morning, it was told Samuel, saying, Saul came to Carmel, and, behold, he set him up a place, and is gone about, and passed on, and gone down to Gilgal.
    [strongs] 7925 And arose early 8050 Samuel 7125 to meet 7586 Saul 1242 in the morning, 5046 and it was told 8050 to Samuel, 0559 saying, 0935 has come 7586 Saul 3760 to Carmel, 2009 and look, 5324 he set up for himself 3027 a hand 5437 and went 5674 and crossed 3381 and went 1537 {to} Gilgal.
15:13 [cbb5] 撒母耳到了扫罗那里、扫罗对他说、愿耶和华赐福与你、耶和华的命令我已遵守了。
    [kjv] And Samuel came to Saul: and Saul said unto him, Blessed be thou of the LORD: I have performed the commandment of the LORD.
    [strongs] 0935 And came 8050 Samuel 0413 to 7586 Saul. 0559 And said, 0000 to him 7586 Saul, 1288 are blessed 0859 You 3068 of Yahweh 6965 - 1697 the word of 3068 Yahweh.
15:14 [cbb5] 撒母耳说、我耳中听见有羊叫、牛鸣、是从那里来的呢。
    [kjv] And Samuel said, What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?
    [strongs] 0559 But said 8050 Samuel, 4100 Then what {is} 6963 sound of 6629 the flock 0000 this 0241 in my ears 6963 and the sound of 1241 the herd 0834 that 0595 I 8085 hear?
15:15 [cbb5] 扫罗说、这是百姓从亚玛力人那里带来的、因为他们爱惜上好的牛羊、要献与耶和华你的神其馀的我们都灭尽了。
    [kjv] And Saul said, They have brought them from the Amalekites: for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the oxen, to sacrifice unto the LORD thy God; and the rest we have utterly destroyed.
    [strongs] 0559 And said 7586 Saul, 6002 from Amalek 0935 They have brought them 0834 that 2550 had pity 5971 the people 5921 on 4315 the best of 6629 the flock 1241 and the herd, 4616 in order to 2076 sacrifice 3068 to Yahweh 0430 your God. 0853 But 3498 the rest 2763 we have exterminated.
15:16 [cbb5] 撒母耳对扫罗说、你住口罢、等我将耶和华昨夜向我所说的话告诉你扫罗说、请讲。
    [kjv] Then Samuel said unto Saul, Stay, and I will tell thee what the LORD hath said to me this night. And he said unto him, Say on.
    [strongs] 0559 Then said 8050 Samuel 0413 to 7586 Saul, 7503 Stop, 5046 and let me tell 0000 to you 0853 what 1697 spoke 3068 Yahweh 0413 to me 3915 {in} the night. 0559 And he said 0000 to him, 1696 Speak!
15:17 [cbb5] 撒母耳对扫罗说、从前你虽然以自己为小、岂不是被立为以色列支派的元首麽。耶和华膏你作以色列的王。
    [kjv] And Samuel said, When thou wast little in thine own sight, wast thou not made the head of the tribes of Israel, and the LORD anointed thee king over Israel?
    [strongs] 0559 And said 8050 Samuel, 3808 Is it not {true}, 0518 when 6996 were little 0859 you 5869 in your eyes 7218 head of 7626 the tribes of 3478 Israel 0859 you {became}? 4886 And anointed you 3068 Yahweh 4428 for king 5921 over 3478 Israel,
15:18 [cbb5] 耶和华差遣你、吩咐你说、你去击打那些犯罪的亚玛力人、将他们灭绝净尽。
    [kjv] And the LORD sent thee on a journey, and said, Go and utterly destroy the sinners the Amalekites, and fight against them until they be consumed.
    [strongs] 7971 and sent you 3068 Yahweh 1870 on a way, 0559 and said, 3212 Go, 2763 and exterminate 2400 the sinners, 6002 Amalek, 3898 and fight 3588 against them 5704 until 3615 they finish 0853 them.
15:19 [cbb5] 你为何没有听从耶和华的命令、急忙掳掠财物、行耶和华眼中看为恶的事呢。
    [kjv] Wherefore then didst thou not obey the voice of the LORD, but didst fly upon the spoil, and didst evil in the sight of the LORD?
    [strongs] 4100 Why then 3808 not 8085 did you listen 6963 to voice 3068 Yahweh's? 5960 Rather you flew 0413 to 7998 the plunder 6213 and did 7451 the evil 5869 in eyes 3068 Yahweh's.
15:20 [cbb5] 扫罗对撒母耳说、我实在听从了耶和华的命令、行了耶和华所差遣我行的路、擒了亚玛力王亚甲来、灭尽了亚玛力人。
    [kjv] And Saul said unto Samuel, Yea, I have obeyed the voice of the LORD, and have gone the way which the LORD sent me, and have brought Agag the king of Amalek, and have utterly destroyed the Amalekites.
    [strongs] 0559 And said 7586 Saul 0413 to 8050 Samuel, 0834 - 8085 I did obey 6963 voice 3068 Yahweh's 1980 and went 1870 in the way 0834 which 7971 sent me 3068 Yahweh 0935 and brought 0090 Agag 4428 the king of 6002 Amalek, 0853 but 6002 Amalek 2763 I exterminated.
15:21 [cbb5] 百姓却在所当灭的物中、取了最好的牛羊、要在吉甲献与耶和华你的神。
    [kjv] But the people took of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the chief of the things which should have been utterly destroyed, to sacrifice unto the LORD thy God in Gilgal.
    [strongs] 3947 And took 5971 the people 7998 from the spoil 6629 flock, 1241 and herd 7225 {the} first of 2764 the devoted 2076 to sacrifice 3068 to Yahweh 0430 your God 1537 in Gilgal.
15:22 [cbb5] 撒母耳说、耶和华喜悦燔祭和平安祭、岂如喜悦人听从他的话呢听命胜於献祭、顺从胜於公羊的脂油。
    [kjv] And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
    [strongs] 0559 But said 8050 Samuel, 2656 Does delight 3068 Yahweh 5930 in burnt-offering 2077 and sacrifices 8085 like obeying 6963 the voice of 3068 Yahweh? 2009 Listen, 8085 obeying 2077 than sacrifice 2896 {is} better, 7181 to give attention 2459 than the fat of 0352 rams.
15:23 [cbb5] 悖逆的罪、与行邪术的罪相等顽梗的罪、与拜虚神和偶像的罪相同你既厌弃耶和华的命令、耶和华也厌弃你作王。
    [kjv] For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
    [strongs] 3588 For 2403 the sin of 7081 divination 4805 is rebellion. 0205 Both iniquity 8655 and idolatry 6484 {is} insolence. 3282 Because 3985 you rejected 1697 the word of 3068 Yahweh, 3973 so He has rejected you 4428 from {being} king.
15:24 [cbb5] 扫罗对撒母耳说、我有罪了、我因惧怕百姓听从他们的话、就违背了耶和华的命令、和你的言语。
    [kjv] And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the LORD, and thy words: because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice.
    [strongs] 0559 And said 7586 Saul 0413 to 8050 Samuel, 2398 I sinned 3588 for 5674 I have transgressed 6310 the mouth of 3068 Yahweh 0853 and 1697 your word, 3588 because 3372 I feared 5971 the people 8085 and I listened 6963 to their voice.
15:25 [cbb5] 现在求你赦免我的罪、同我回去、我好敬拜耶和华。
    [kjv] Now therefore, I pray thee, pardon my sin, and turn again with me, that I may worship the LORD.
    [strongs] 6258 But now 5375 lift up 4994 please 2403 my sin 7725 and return 0000 with me 7812 that I may worship 3068 Yahweh.
15:26 [cbb5] 撒母耳对扫罗说、我不同你回去、因为你厌弃耶和华的命令耶和华也厌弃你作以色列的王。
    [kjv] And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not return with thee: for thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD hath rejected thee from being king over Israel.
    [strongs] 0559 But said 8050 Samuel 0413 to 7586 Saul, 3808 not 7725 I will return 0000 with you, 3588 because 3973 you rejected 1697 the word of 3068 Yahweh 3985 so, rejected you 3068 Yahweh 1961 from being 4428 king 0000 over 3478 Israel.
15:27 [cbb5] 撒母耳转身要走、扫罗就扯住他外袍的衣襟、衣襟就撕断了。
    [kjv] And as Samuel turned about to go away, he laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle, and it rent.
    [strongs] 5437 And turned 8050 Samuel 1980 to go, 2388 and he seized 3671 the edge of 4598 his robe, 7167 and it was torn.
15:28 [cbb5] 撒母耳对他说、如此、今日耶和华使以色列国与你断绝、将这国赐与比你更好的人。
    [kjv] And Samuel said unto him, The LORD hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to a neighbour of thine, that is better than thou.
    [strongs] 0559 Then said 0413 to him 8050 Samuel, 7167 has torn 3068 Yahweh 4468 the kingdom of 3478 Israel 5921 from you 3117 today, 5414 and has given it 7453 to your neighbor 2896 who {is} better 4080 than you.
15:29 [cbb5] 以色列的大能者、必不至说谎、也不至后悔因为他鷓非世人、决不后悔。
    [kjv] And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.
    [strongs] 1571 And also, 5331 the Glory of 3478 Israel 3808 not 8266 does deceive 3808 nor 5762 repent, 3588 for 3808 not 0120 a man 1931 He 5162 that He should repent.
15:30 [cbb5] 扫罗说、我有罪了、虽然如此、求你在我百姓的长老、和以色列人面前抬举我、同我回去、我好敬拜耶和华你的神。
    [kjv] Then he said, I have sinned: yet honour me now, I pray thee, before the elders of my people, and before Israel, and turn again with me, that I may worship the LORD thy God.
    [strongs] 0559 Then he said, 2398 I have sinned. 6258 Now 3513 honor me 4994 please 5048 in front of 2205 the elders of 5971 my people 5048 and in front of 3478 Israel, 7725 and return 5973 with me 7812 that I may worship 3068 Yahweh 0430 your God.
15:31 [cbb5] 於是撒母耳转身跟随扫罗回去、扫罗就敬拜耶和华。
    [kjv] So Samuel turned again after Saul; and Saul worshipped the LORD.
    [strongs] 7725 So turned back 8050 Samuel 0310 after 7586 Saul, 7812 and worshiped 7586 Saul 3068 Yahweh.
15:32 [cbb5] 撒母耳说、要把亚玛力王亚甲带到我这里来亚甲就欢欢喜喜的来到他面前、心里说、死亡的苦难必定过去了。
    [kjv] Then said Samuel, Bring ye hither to me Agag the king of the Amalekites. And Agag came unto him delicately. And Agag said, Surely the bitterness of death is past.
    [strongs] 0559 Then said 8050 Samuel, 5066 Bring near 0413 to me 0090 Agag, 4428 the king of 6002 Amalek. 1980 And came 0413 to him 0090 Agag 4574 cheerfully 0559 and said 0090 Agag, 0403 Truly 5493 has gone by 4751 the bitterness of 4194 death.
15:33 [cbb5] 撒母耳说、你既用刀使妇人丧子、这样、你母亲在妇人中也必丧子於是撒母耳在吉甲耶和华面前、将亚甲杀死。
    [kjv] And Samuel said, As the sword hath made women childless, so shall thy mother be childless among women. And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the LORD in Gilgal.
    [strongs] 0559 But said 8050 Samuel, 0834 As 7921 has bereaved of children 0802 women 2719 your sword, 3651 so 7921 will be bereft 0802 among women 0517 your mother. 8158 Then cut in pieces 8050 Samuel 0090 Agag 6440 in the presence of 3068 Yahweh 1537 in Gilgal.
15:34 [cbb5] 撒母耳回了拉玛扫罗上他所住的基比亚回自己的家去了。
    [kjv] Then Samuel went to Ramah; and Saul went up to his house to Gibeah of Saul.
    [strongs] 1980 Then went 8050 Samuel 7414 to Ramah, 7586 but Saul 5927 went up 0413 to 1004 his house 1390 {in} Gibeath of 7586 Saul.
15:35 [cbb5] 撒母耳直到死的日子、再没有见扫罗但撒母耳为扫罗悲伤、是因耶和华后悔立他为以色列的王。
    [kjv] And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death: nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul: and the LORD repented that he had made Saul king over Israel.
    [strongs] 3808 And not 3254 did again 8050 Samuel 7200 see 7586 Saul 5704 until 3117 the day of 4194 his death, 3588 for 0056 mourned 8050 Samuel 0413 over 7586 Saul. 3068 And Yahweh 5162 repented 3588 that 4428 He made king 7586 Saul 5921 over 3478 Israel.